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Related to TORIS: Taurus
TORISThe Outer Rim Infonet Service (Star Wars role-playing resource)
TORISTraining and Operational Readiness Information Services (US DoD)
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A comparative study with Toris K lens versus spectacle correction or without correction in 55 KC eyes showed improvement in VA and some aberrations (coma and trefoil).
When the assessment is completed, the assessor uploads the data captured in the tablet PC to the TORIS' data warehouse.
Lit up in the bottom corner was a picture of Tori dressed as the murdered mother from her chilling cover of Eminem's 1997 hit Bonnie and Clyde.
Fotis Toris, 27, of Lawrence Saunders Road, Radford, admitted stealing an Apple iPhone worth PS300, clothes and CDs worth PS400 and a safe, wrench, purse and phone charger worth PS82.
Our sample platter featured toris of a sausage-like meat, chicken, bacon-wrapped enoki mushrooms and vegetables.
Tra bydd Toris yn rhedeg ein cynghorau, bydd enw fel Gwynfor yn enw peryglus y bydd rhaid gwarchod plant rhag holi pwy ydyw.
Celebrating exceptional standards of excellence through rigorous criteria requirements, the TORIs embrace the concept of a standardised benchmark against which CV writers can be judged and assessed.
Mae hynny''n gwneud synnwyr i''r Toris. Ond mae eco-sosialydd o''r enw Derek Wall (sy''n flaenllaw yn y Blaid Werdd) yn dadlau i''r gwrthwyneb.
Gwylltio fydda fo, yn ddychrynllyd, yn enwedig efo Toris a phlismyn.
Toris Haynes, Inc., a content writing firm based in Oklahoma, began to offer English content writing services to the public with a new set of prices motivated by the company's stance against outsourcing abroad.
'Cwtogi' oedd y rheswm, a doedd hynny ond rhyw fis neu ddau wedi i'r Toris ddod i rym.