Rhetorica: Stahr, 1862; Sprengel (with Latin
text), 1867; Cope and Sandys, 1877; Roemer, 1885, 1898.
Eryx might perhaps make the meaning intelligible, and suggest my proposed restoration of the
text to the reader as readily as it did to myself.
"Oh, he always said he was, of course, but 'most always he said, too, that he wouldn't STAY a minister a minute if 'twasn't for the rejoicing
Don't forget the Golden
Text. Don't lose your collection or forget to put it in.
I sat just as still as I could and the
text was Revelations, third chapter, second and third verses.
As many as possible of the poems named in the
text (except 'The Dunciad') should be read, in whole or in part.
The Signet Classic
text is based on the first edition, published by John Murray, London, in 1818 -- the year following Miss Austen's death.
"An abrogated
text," said the advocate extraordinary of the king.
They made no particular impression on him, but it happened that two or three days later, being Sunday, the Canon in residence chose them for the
text of his sermon.
With thy dear name as
text, though bidden by thee, I can not write-I can not speak or think-- Alas, I can not feel; for 'tis not feeling, This standing motionless upon the golden Threshold of the wide-open gate of dreams, Gazing, entranced, adown the gorgeous vista, And thrilling as I see, upon the right, Upon the left, and all the way along, Amid empurpled vapors, far away To where the prospect terminates-thee only!
To Father Jape's kindly encouragement and assistance the author of the prose
text is greatly indebted.
text of the poem is in a chaotic condition, and there are many interpolations, some of Byzantine date.