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TARTAToledo Area Regional Transit Authority
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References in classic literature ?
Miss Bates, let Emma help you to a little bit of tarta very little bit.
I thought of forgoing dessert, but how can I leave without having the grand Tarta Imperial Rusa, the precursor of the sans rival?
The FreeFrom Food commendation comes hot on the heels of Almondy announcing its Tarta with Daim is now made with sustainably sourced cocoa from Rainforest Alliance Certified[TM] farms--making it an ethical choice for dessert menus too.
SAVE: PS2 The alternative Christmas pud Almondy Daim Tarta (400g), Morrisons.
Resembling a spinach pie, tarta pascualina originates from the Liguria section of Italy.
The elaborate cuisine included pan fried duck foie gras, red port and orange glazed apples, ravioli with spinach and cheese, rashpberry sorbet, dark chocolates, nut tarts, red fruit tarta, Mignardises chicken soup with bean curd flakes, roasted mutton chops with curry and codfish with tomato sauce.
This concerns, for Germany, the hops Hopfen aus der Hallertau' (PGI), the Spanish confectionery Tarta de Santiago' (PGI) and, for France, the young guinea fowl Pintadeau de la Drome' (PGI).