(redirected from Support Action Form)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
SAF | Safety |
SAF | Secretary of the Air Force |
SAF | Society of American Foresters |
SAF | Singapore Armed Forces |
SAF | Strategic Air Force (US DoD) |
SAF | Security Assistance Force |
SAF | Sir Alex Ferguson (football manager) |
SAF | Sam and Friends (Muppets) |
SAF | Saitama Arts Foundation (Japan) |
SAF | Second Amendment Foundation |
SAF | San Andreas Fault |
SAF | Society of American Florists |
SAF | Systems Analysis in Forest (symposium) |
SAF | Scholarship Application Form (various locations) |
SAF | Sarasota Architectural Foundation (Sarasota, Florida) |
SAF | Sociedad Administradora de Fondos (Spanish: Fund Management Company; Costa Rica) |
SAF | Submerged Arc Furnace |
SAF | Shock Absorber Fluid |
SAF | Société Astronomique de France (French: Astronomical Society of France) |
SAF | Small Arms Firing |
SAF | Satellite Application Facility |
SAF | Scientific American Frontiers (TV series) |
SAF | Science and Arts Foundation |
SAF | Secure Access Firewall |
SAF | Stand Alone Filter |
SAF | Single Auto Focus |
SAF | Self Address Fixing |
SAF | Service Access Facility |
SAF | Secure Authentication Facility |
SAF | Segment Address Field |
SAF | Server Application Function |
SAF | Support Administration Function |
SAF | Store and Forward |
SAF | Seasonal Adjustment Factor |
SAF | Sir Alexander Fleming |
SAF | Special Action Force |
SAF | Service Availability Forum |
SAF | Students for Academic Freedom |
SAF | Store And Forward (JMS message; BEA) |
SAF | Student Assistance Fund (various locations) |
SAF | System Access Fee |
SAF | South Asian Federation (games) |
SAF | Summer Arts Festival (various locations) |
SAF | System Authorization Facility |
SAF | Structural Adjustment Facility |
SAF | Santa Fe, NM, USA - Santa Fe Municipal Airport (Airport Code) |
SAF | Svenska Arbetsgivareföreningen (Association of Swedish Employers) |
SAF | Swedish Armed Forces |
SAF | Server Application Function (computing) |
SAF | Southern Arts Federation |
SAF | Saint Anthony Foundation (San Francisco, California) |
SAF | Southern Attack Force (US Navy) |
SAF | Semi Automated Forces |
SAF | Sheridan Arts Foundation (Telluride, CO) |
SAF | Stand Alone Facility |
SAF | South Asia Forum |
SAF | Service Agreement Form |
SAF | Safety Publication |
SAF | Slotted Amplify-and-Forward |
SAF | Study Abroad Foundation |
SAF | Swedish Employers' Confederation |
SAF | Science Archive Facility (astronomy) |
SAF | Superannuation Funds |
SAF | Syndrome d'Alcoolisme Foetal (French: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) |
SAF | Sistemas Agroforestales (Spanish: agroforestry systems) |
SAF | San Antonio Film (San Antonio, TX) |
SAF | State Aviation Fund (various locations) |
SAF | Swiss Armed Forces |
SAF | Self-Adhering Flashing (construction material) |
SAF | Stuck-At Fault |
SAF | Safety, Arming and Fuzing |
SAF | Shelter Art Foundation (animal alliance) |
SAF | Sociedad Asturiana de Filosofía (Oviedo, Spain) |
SAF | Subject to Availability of Funds |
SAF | Single Asian Female |
SAF | Sisters' Arab Forum for Human Rights |
SAF | Standard Analytical File (Medicare) |
SAF | Spacecraft Assembly Facility (NASA/JPL) |
SAF | Symptomatic Atrial Fibrillation |
SAF | Set America Free |
SAF | Strategic Architect Forum |
SAF | Symmetry-Adapted Function |
SAF | Spouse Approval Factor (stereos/gadgets) |
SAF | Study Abroad Fellowship (various universities) |
SAF | Spatial Aggregation Framework (data management) |
SAF | Sodium Acetate Formalin |
SAF | Supplementary Application Form (university admissions) |
SAF | Security Access Facility |
SAF | Safety Approval Form |
SAF | Specific Absorbed Fraction |
SAF | Sponge Awareness Foundation (band) |
SAF | Secure Automated Fabrication |
SAF | Sample Authorization Form |
SAF | Swiss AIDS Federation (Zurich, Switzerland) |
SAF | Schizophrenia Australia Foundation |
SAF | Service des Affaires Francophones (French: Francophone Affairs Department) |
SAF | Senior Adults Fellowship |
SAF | Southern, Central and Eastern Africa |
SAF | Source Address Filter(ing) |
SAF | Subnetwork Access Facility |
SAF | Sample Approval Form |
SAF | Single Access Forward |
SAF | Spectral Analysis Facility |
SAF | Service Affecting Failure (rail industry) |
SAF | StoryTellers of the American Frontier |
SAF | Single-Action Form |
SAF | Singularity-Aware Futurist (quasi-philosopher of scientific advances) |
SAF | Support Action Form |
SAF | Sodium Aerosol Filter |
SAF | Spindle-Assembly Factor |
SAF | Security Authentication Framework (computing) |
SAF | Sustainable Agri-Forest |
SAF | Stress Amplification Factor |
SAF | Status - Alpha File |
SAF | Synthetic Aperture Function |
SAF | Safety Appraisal Finding |
SAF | Stavanger Arkitektforening (Norwegian: Stavanger Architectural Association) |
SAF | System Administration Function |
SAF | Sport Aid Foundation |
SAF | Stakeholder Advisory Forums |
SAF | Submerged Aeration Filter (waste water treatment) |
SAF | Simultaneous Agroforestry Systems |
SAF | Sampling Adjustment Factors |
SAF | Sri Ariyajothi Foundation (Sri Lanka) |
SAF | Surficial Amorphous Films |
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