(redirected from Supply Margin Assessment)
Category filter:
SMASimple Moving Average
SMASNA (System Network Architecture) Management Architecture
SMAShape Memory Alloy
SMASpinal Muscular Atrophy
SMASeparately Managed Account
SMASan Martín de Los Andes (Argentina)
SMASekolah Menengah Agama (Indonesian: School of Religion)
SMASanta Monica Airlines (skateboards; Santa Monica, CA)
SMASmooth Muscle Actin
SMASecretaría del Medio Ambiente (Spanish: Ministry of Environment; Mexico)
SMASafety and Mission Assurance (NASA)
SMAState Medicaid Agency (various locations)
SMASergeant Major of the Army
SMASocial Media Analytics (marketing)
SMASports Medicine Australia
SMASubMiniature Version A
SMASuperior Mesenteric Artery (upper intestinal artery)
SMAScreen Manufacturers Association
SMASecurity, Monitoring and Automation
SMASociety for Medical Anthropology (American Anthropological Association)
SMASupplementary Motor Area
SMASouthern Medical Association
SMASimulation Modeling and Analysis
SMASevere Malarial Anemia (disease)
SMASumitomo Machinery Corporation of America (Sumitomo Heavy Industries; Japan)
SMAShoreline Management Act
SMASingapore-MIT Alliance
SMAStyrene Maleic Anhydride
SMASmart Memory Access
SMASurface Mounted Assembly
SMASoftware Migration Assistant
SMASegmented Memory Architecture
SMAShanghai Maple Automobile
SMASequential Multiple Analyser
SMASub Miniature Version a
SMASystem Multimedia Architecture
SMASystem Monitoring Agent
SMASystem Migration Assistant
SMAServer Management Agent
SMASupport and Maintenance Assistance
SMASemiconductor Manufacturers Association
SMASocial Media Analysis (various meanings)
SMASystem Management Agent
SMAStella Maris Academy (La Jolla, CA)
SMAStone Matrix Asphalt
SMASubmillimeter Array (Radio Telescope)
SMASpecial Memorandum Account (financial; sub account of a brokerage margin account)
SMASummer Music Academy (various locations)
SMASpencer Museum of Art (University of Kansas)
SMAScience and Mathematics Academy (Maryland)
SMASaskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (Canada)
SMASous Ministre Adjointe (French: Assistant Deputy Minister; Canada)
SMASoftware Maintenance Agreement
SMAStone Mastic Asphalt
SMASuper Mario Advance (Video game - Gameboy Advance)
SMASingapore Medical Association
SMAServicios de Mantenimiento Automotriz (Spanish: Automotive Maintenance Services)
SMASouthern Management Association (Academy of Management)
SMASexiest Man Alive (People magazine)
SMASmith-Mundt Act of 1948
SMASystem Migration Assistant (IBM software)
SMASpecial Measures Agreement (various nations)
SMASteel Manufacturers' Association
SMAService Militaire Adapté (French: Adapted Military Service)
SMASociety of African Missions (religious order)
SMASearch Marketing Agency (various locations)
SMAShared Memory Architecture
SMASemana de Música Avanzada (Spanish: Advanced Music Week; Guatemala)
SMASemi-Major Axis
SMASeattle Municipal Archives (Seattle, WA)
SMASystem Memory Address (computing)
SMASaskatchewan Medical Association
SMASystems Maintenance Administrator
SMASearch Marketing Automation (software)
SMASports Medicine Associates (various locations)
SMASociety of Municipal Arborists
SMASociety of Maritime Arbitrators
SMAShape Memory Polymer
SMASecurities Market Agency (Slovenia)
SMASound Music Album
SMASurface Mount Assembly
SMASuggested for Mature Audiences (movie ratings)
SMASacramento Metropolitan Area (California)
SMAStudio of Masquerade Arts (Canada)
SMASpectrum Management Agency
SMAServices de Médias Audiovisuels (French: Audiovisual Media Services; EU directive)
SMASecurity Manager Administration (software)
SMAStorage Management Appliance
SMASurface Movement Advisor (FAA)
SMAService Maintenance Agreement
SMASeparate Maintenance Allowance
SMASergeants' Major Academy
SMASaint Mary's Academy
SMASchool of Medicine Alliance (Oregon)
SMASequential Multiple Analysis (serum electrolytes)
SMASchools Music Association (UK)
SMASouthwest Movers Association
SMASue McLean & Associates (Minneapolis, MN)
SMASupply Margin Assessment
SMAStudent Marketing Association
SMAScientific Management Associates
SMAStatistics for Microarray Analysis (R programming language package)
SMASmall Museum Association
SMASwitching Mode Amplifier
SMASwedish Medical Association
SMASales and Marketing Association
SMASubject Matter Area
SMASelf Mutilators Anonymous (self-help group)
SMAStrategic Market Analysis
SMAStage Managers' Association
SMAStandardization Management Activity
SMASpectrophotometric Multicomponent Analysis
SMASpectrométrie de Masse par Accélérateur (French: Accelerator Mass Spectrometry)
SMAStairway Manufacturers' Association
SMASupply Management, Army
SMASmart Memory Alloy
SMASusquehanna Malayalee Association (Pennsylvania)
SMAS-Band Multiple Access
SMASplit Mastic Asphalt
SMAStudent Managed Assessment (computer-based learning)
SMASuperior Martial Arts (various locations)
SMAStorage Equipment Manufacturers Association
SMASecondary Mirror Assembly
SMASergeant Major Army
SMAStinger-Mac Accessories
SMASelf Managed Account
SMASan Manuel Arizona Railroad Company
SMASub-Miniature A Connector
SMASpectrum Manufacturers Association
SMAStatutory Marketing Authority
SMASolidarité Motards Accidentés (French: Damaged Motorcyclists Solidarity)
SMAScience Monitoring Area
SMASierra Madre Alliance
SMASystème Multiagent (French)
SMASoftware and Management Associates (Texas)
SMAState Microenterprise Association
SMASimplified Memory-Bounded A
SMAShortfin Mako Shark (FAO fish species code)
SMASemiconductor Manufacturers' Association (UK)
SMASaskatchewan Motorcycle Association (Canada)
SMASolution Management Assessment (SAP)
SMAStormwater Management Academy
SMAState Magistrates Association (New York)
SMASystem Management Architecture
SMASystems Management Association
SMASalad Manufacturers Association
SMAService Management Automation
SMAScheduled Maintenance Action
SMASanta Maria Island, Azores, Portugal (airport code)
SMASoftware Management Activity
SMASystem Management Authority
SMASales & Marketing Application
SMAShip's Material Account (US Navy)
SMASpecific Message Address
SMASterilizable Microbial Atrium (Veltek Associates, Inc.)
SMASystem Message Alert
SMASpecific Military Agreement
SMAStudent Medical Assistant
SMASpecial Mission Activities
SMASupervising Medical Attending (Maryland)
SMASpecific Memorandum of Agreement
SMASite des Monts d'Arrée (nuclear power plant; Brennilis, France)
SMASpecial Market Area
SMASubsequent Maximization Algorithm
SMASingle Manager for Ammunition
SMASub Multi Assembly (fiber optic cable connector type)
SMASaudi Medical Association
SMASupply Materiel Availability
SMASpecialized Mission Aircraft
SMASenior Magistrates Association (license plate)
SMASteel Matrix Asphalt (construction)
SMASpectroscopie Moléculaire et Applications (French: Molecular Spectroscopy and Applications)
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