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SMNSummoner (Final Fantasy, gaming)
SMNServicio Meteorologico Nacional (Spanish: National Meteorological Service)
SMNStoomvaart-Maatschappij Nederland (Dutch: Netherlands Steamship Company)
SMNSmoky Mountain News (North Carolina)
SMNSanta Maria Novella (church and main train station, Florence, Italy)
SMNStatement of Medical Necessity (healthcare)
SMNSurvival Motor Neuron
SMNShaman (Mic-O-Say, Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America)
SMNShoot Me Now
SMNScientific and Medical Network
SMNScottish Mediation Network (UK)
SMNSmall Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein Polypeptide N
SMNSociété Métallurgique de Normandie (French: Metallurgic Company of Normandy; 1912-1993)
SMNSociété Morbihannaise de Navigation (French cruise company)
SMNShark Monitoring Network (Australia)
SMNSimple Multicast Network
SMNSystème Multilatéral de Négociation (French: Multilateral Trading System)
SMNServizio Mareografico Nazionale (Italian: Tidal National Service)
SMNShort Message Networks
SMNSociété Méditerranéenne de Nettoiement (French: Mediterranean Cleanup Corporation; France)
SMNSociété Marocaine de Nutrition (French)
SMNService de Métrologie Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Metrology Service; Belgium)
SMNSpace Mapping-based Neuromodeling
SMNSoftware Modification Notice
SMNSpot Market Network (Model)
SMNSo-Net Media Networks Co., Ltd. (Japan)
SMNSteiner Minimal Network (electrical engineering)
SMNSenior Ministries Network
SMNSociété Musicale Normande (French: Music Society of Normandy; France)
SMNSmall and Midsize Network
SMNStatic Mesh Network (Sprint)
SMNSignalisation Moléculaire et Neurodégénérescence (French: Molecular Signaling and Neurodegeneration; University of Strasbourg; France)
SMNSociété de Maintenance et de Négoce (French: Society of Maintenance and Trading)
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