(redirected from Standard Medical Practice)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
SMP | Symmetric Multiprocessing |
SMP | Symmetric Multi-Processor |
SMP | Sine Mascula Prole (Latin: Without Male Issue) |
SMP | Statutory Maternity Pay |
SMP | Scalp Micropigmentation (hair loss) |
SMP | Survival Multi-Player (video game) |
SMP | Significant Market Power (European telecommunications market) |
SMP | Servico Movel Pessoal (Portuguese: Mobile Personal Service; Brazil) |
SMP | Structural Mechanical Piping (engineering) |
SMP | Super Mario Party (gaming) |
SMP | Senior Medicare Patrol (Projects) |
SMP | Server Migration Pack (software) |
SMP | Simultaneous Membership Program |
SMP | Securities Market Programme (European Central Bank) |
SMP | Senior Management Professional (certification) |
SMP | Social Media Portal |
SMP | Shared-memory MultiProcessor |
SMP | Symantec Management Platform (software) |
SMP | Shoreline Master Program (environmental regulations for shoreline management) |
SMP | Sciences Médicales et Pharmaceutiques (French: Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences) |
SMP | Stable Marriage Problem |
SMP | Shared-Memory Parallelism (computing) |
SMP | Senior Management Program (various locations) |
SMP | Special Milk Program |
SMP | Silan Modified Polymer (chemistry) |
SMP | Stormwater Management Program (various locations) |
SMP | Standards for Mathematical Practice |
SMP | Surface Mount Power |
SMP | Stop Motion Pro (animated film software) |
SMP | Symmetric Multi Processing |
SMP | Sample File |
SMP | Scsi Management Protocol |
SMP | Standby Monitor Present |
SMP | Shared Memory Multiprocessing |
SMP | Schweizer Milchproduzenten (Federation of Swiss Milk Producers) |
SMP | State Management Plan |
SMP | Staff Monitored Program (IMF) |
SMP | Single Marine Program (USMC) |
SMP | Skim Milk Powder |
SMP | Shape Memory Polymer |
SMP | System Modification Program |
SMP | Sustainability Management Plan (various locations) |
SMP | Sales Marketing Plan (various companies) |
SMP | Service Management Platform |
SMP | Symmetrical Multi-Processing |
SMP | Sun Microsystems Press (publication partnership) |
SMP | Specific Ministry Pastor |
SMP | Shared Memory Multiprocessing (IBM) |
SMP | System of Moral Philosophy (book; Francis Hutcheson) |
SMP | Site Management Plan |
SMP | Serial Management Protocol (SAS) |
SMP | Sellafield MOX Plant |
SMP | Student Mobility Program (various locations) |
SMP | Strategic Management Plan |
SMP | Statutory Minimum Price (India) |
SMP | System Marginal Price |
SMP | Service Médico-Pédagogique (French: School Medical Service; Switzerland) |
SMP | Support and Maintenance Package (software) |
SMP | System Monitoring Protocol (software) |
SMP | State Mitigation Plan (US FEMA) |
SMP | Senior Managing Partner (job title) |
SMP | Simple Management Protocol |
SMP | Student Mentor Program (various schools) |
SMP | Svensk Maskinprovning AB (Swedish Machinery Testing Institute) |
SMP | Surface-Mount Package |
SMP | Symbolic Manipulation Program |
SMP | Submitochondrial Particles |
SMP | Standard Medical Practice |
SMP | Software Management Plan |
SMP | Selling Manager Pro (Ebay selling tool) |
SMP | Scalable Multiprocessor |
SMP | Streamlined Modification Program (foreclosure) |
SMP | Strategic Marketing Planning |
SMP | Soluble Microbial Products (anerobic systems, wastewater treatment) |
SMP | System Management Processor (Hitachi SONET OC-192) |
SMP | Société Suisse de Management de Projet (French: Swiss Society for Project Management) |
SMP | Soil Management Plan |
SMP | Strategic Management Process |
SMP | Southeast Museum of Photography |
SMP | Société Militaire Privée (French: Private Military Company) |
SMP | Safety Management Program |
SMP | Security Management Plan |
SMP | Subject Matter Program (California) |
SMP | Substantial Market Power |
SMP | St Matthew Passion (J.S. Bach classical piece) |
SMP | Sustainable Manufacturing Performance (Nike) |
SMP | Semi Markov Process |
SMP | Session Management Protocol |
SMP | Software Maintenance Program |
SMP | Sheltered Market Program (Portland, OR) |
SMP | Shawnee Mission Park (Shawnee, KS) |
SMP | Standby Monitor Present (Cisco) |
SMP | Sony Magnetic Products (various locations) |
SMP | Sociedad Mexicana de Psicología (Mexico) |
SMP | Sex, Money, Power |
SMP | Stanford Menlo Park (Stanford University; Palo Alto, CA) |
SMP | Salzgitter Mannesmann Précision (steel tube manufacturer; various locations) |
SMP | Sol-Mur-Plafond (French: Floor, Wall, Ceiling; art house) |
SMP | Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Pertama (Indonesian junior high school) |
SMP | Simple Minded People |
SMP | Sensor Management Protocol |
SMP | Science Mentorship Programme (Singapore) |
SMP | Ship Motion Program (NAVSEA) |
SMP | Subminiature Push-On (connector) |
SMP | Small and Mobile Production |
SMP | Substation Modernization Platform (trademark of Cybectec) |
SMP | Service Management Process |
SMP | See Me, Please |
SMP | Smoke More Pot |
SMP | Switching Module Processor |
SMP | Standard Maintenance Procedure |
SMP | Systèmes Midi-Pyrénées (French electronics company) |
SMP | Self-Maintenance Period |
SMP | Société de Mécanique de Précision (French: Precision Mechanics Company; est. 1981) |
SMP | Synchronous Multiprocessing |
SMP | Sub Motor Pool |
SMP | Small Molecule Printing |
SMP | System Modernization Plan |
SMP | Safety Management Prospectus |
SMP | System Modernization Program (of SSA) |
SMP | Simple Multiplexing Protocol |
SMP | Service Matrix Platform (ADC) |
SMP | Supplemental Medical Plan |
SMP | Scheduled Maintenance Plan |
SMP | Subcontractor Management Plan |
SMP | Senior Meeting Planner (job title) |
SMP | Signal Message Processor |
SMP | Standard Mining Package |
SMP | Sound Motion Picture Technician (US Navy) |
SMP | Signed Minimal Path |
SMP | Simultaneous Macular Perception |
SMP | Service Mediation Platform |
SMP | School Mathematics Program |
SMP | SACDIN Message Protocol Module |
SMP | Special Multiple-Peril (insurance policy insuring physical damage and liability losses) |
SMP | Systems, Methods and Procedures (manufacturing) |
SMP | Scottish Member of Parliament (UK) |
SMP | Shipowner's Liability (insurance) |
SMP | Signal Management Point |
SMP | Société Moules de Précision (French: Precision Mold Company) |
SMP | Single Movable Pulley |
SMP | Shipboard Miniaturization/Microfilm Program |
SMP | Slow Moving Person/People |
SMP | SM Entertainment Music Performance |
SMP | System Mechanical Performance |
SMP | Standard Methods and Procedures |
SMP | Systems Monitoring Panel |
SMP | Santares Music People, Inc. |
SMP | Special Manufacturing Procedure |
SMP | Subject Matter Proficiency |
SMP | Sécurité, Maintenance Installation et Protection Incendie (French: Safety, Installation and Maintenance Fire Protection) |
SMP | Summit Media Partners |
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