(redirected from Standard Medical Practice)
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SMPSymmetric Multiprocessing
SMPSymmetric Multi-Processor
SMPSine Mascula Prole (Latin: Without Male Issue)
SMPStatutory Maternity Pay
SMPScalp Micropigmentation (hair loss)
SMPSurvival Multi-Player (video game)
SMPSignificant Market Power (European telecommunications market)
SMPServico Movel Pessoal (Portuguese: Mobile Personal Service; Brazil)
SMPStructural Mechanical Piping (engineering)
SMPSuper Mario Party (gaming)
SMPSenior Medicare Patrol (Projects)
SMPServer Migration Pack (software)
SMPSimultaneous Membership Program
SMPSecurities Market Programme (European Central Bank)
SMPSenior Management Professional (certification)
SMPSocial Media Portal
SMPShared-memory MultiProcessor
SMPSymantec Management Platform (software)
SMPShoreline Master Program (environmental regulations for shoreline management)
SMPSciences Médicales et Pharmaceutiques (French: Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences)
SMPStable Marriage Problem
SMPShared-Memory Parallelism (computing)
SMPSenior Management Program (various locations)
SMPSpecial Milk Program
SMPSilan Modified Polymer (chemistry)
SMPStormwater Management Program (various locations)
SMPStandards for Mathematical Practice
SMPSurface Mount Power
SMPStop Motion Pro (animated film software)
SMPSymmetric Multi Processing
SMPSample File
SMPScsi Management Protocol
SMPStandby Monitor Present
SMPShared Memory Multiprocessing
SMPSchweizer Milchproduzenten (Federation of Swiss Milk Producers)
SMPState Management Plan
SMPStaff Monitored Program (IMF)
SMPSingle Marine Program (USMC)
SMPSkim Milk Powder
SMPShape Memory Polymer
SMPSystem Modification Program
SMPSustainability Management Plan (various locations)
SMPSales Marketing Plan (various companies)
SMPService Management Platform
SMPSymmetrical Multi-Processing
SMPSun Microsystems Press (publication partnership)
SMPSpecific Ministry Pastor
SMPShared Memory Multiprocessing (IBM)
SMPSystem of Moral Philosophy (book; Francis Hutcheson)
SMPSite Management Plan
SMPSerial Management Protocol (SAS)
SMPSellafield MOX Plant
SMPStudent Mobility Program (various locations)
SMPStrategic Management Plan
SMPStatutory Minimum Price (India)
SMPSystem Marginal Price
SMPService Médico-Pédagogique (French: School Medical Service; Switzerland)
SMPSupport and Maintenance Package (software)
SMPSystem Monitoring Protocol (software)
SMPState Mitigation Plan (US FEMA)
SMPSenior Managing Partner (job title)
SMPSimple Management Protocol
SMPStudent Mentor Program (various schools)
SMPSvensk Maskinprovning AB (Swedish Machinery Testing Institute)
SMPSurface-Mount Package
SMPSymbolic Manipulation Program
SMPSubmitochondrial Particles
SMPStandard Medical Practice
SMPSoftware Management Plan
SMPSelling Manager Pro (Ebay selling tool)
SMPScalable Multiprocessor
SMPStreamlined Modification Program (foreclosure)
SMPStrategic Marketing Planning
SMPSoluble Microbial Products (anerobic systems, wastewater treatment)
SMPSystem Management Processor (Hitachi SONET OC-192)
SMPSociété Suisse de Management de Projet (French: Swiss Society for Project Management)
SMPSoil Management Plan
SMPStrategic Management Process
SMPSoutheast Museum of Photography
SMPSociété Militaire Privée (French: Private Military Company)
SMPSafety Management Program
SMPSecurity Management Plan
SMPSubject Matter Program (California)
SMPSubstantial Market Power
SMPSt Matthew Passion (J.S. Bach classical piece)
SMPSustainable Manufacturing Performance (Nike)
SMPSemi Markov Process
SMPSession Management Protocol
SMPSoftware Maintenance Program
SMPSheltered Market Program (Portland, OR)
SMPShawnee Mission Park (Shawnee, KS)
SMPStandby Monitor Present (Cisco)
SMPSony Magnetic Products (various locations)
SMPSociedad Mexicana de Psicología (Mexico)
SMPSex, Money, Power
SMPStanford Menlo Park (Stanford University; Palo Alto, CA)
SMPSalzgitter Mannesmann Précision (steel tube manufacturer; various locations)
SMPSol-Mur-Plafond (French: Floor, Wall, Ceiling; art house)
SMPSekolah Menengah Tingkat Pertama (Indonesian junior high school)
SMPSimple Minded People
SMPSensor Management Protocol
SMPScience Mentorship Programme (Singapore)
SMPShip Motion Program (NAVSEA)
SMPSubminiature Push-On (connector)
SMPSmall and Mobile Production
SMPSubstation Modernization Platform (trademark of Cybectec)
SMPService Management Process
SMPSee Me, Please
SMPSmoke More Pot
SMPSwitching Module Processor
SMPStandard Maintenance Procedure
SMPSystèmes Midi-Pyrénées (French electronics company)
SMPSelf-Maintenance Period
SMPSociété de Mécanique de Précision (French: Precision Mechanics Company; est. 1981)
SMPSynchronous Multiprocessing
SMPSub Motor Pool
SMPSmall Molecule Printing
SMPSystem Modernization Plan
SMPSafety Management Prospectus
SMPSystem Modernization Program (of SSA)
SMPSimple Multiplexing Protocol
SMPService Matrix Platform (ADC)
SMPSupplemental Medical Plan
SMPScheduled Maintenance Plan
SMPSubcontractor Management Plan
SMPSenior Meeting Planner (job title)
SMPSignal Message Processor
SMPStandard Mining Package
SMPSound Motion Picture Technician (US Navy)
SMPSigned Minimal Path
SMPSimultaneous Macular Perception
SMPService Mediation Platform
SMPSchool Mathematics Program
SMPSACDIN Message Protocol Module
SMPSpecial Multiple-Peril (insurance policy insuring physical damage and liability losses)
SMPSystems, Methods and Procedures (manufacturing)
SMPScottish Member of Parliament (UK)
SMPShipowner's Liability (insurance)
SMPSignal Management Point
SMPSociété Moules de Précision (French: Precision Mold Company)
SMPSingle Movable Pulley
SMPShipboard Miniaturization/Microfilm Program
SMPSlow Moving Person/People
SMPSM Entertainment Music Performance
SMPSystem Mechanical Performance
SMPStandard Methods and Procedures
SMPSystems Monitoring Panel
SMPSantares Music People, Inc.
SMPSpecial Manufacturing Procedure
SMPSubject Matter Proficiency
SMPSécurité, Maintenance Installation et Protection Incendie (French: Safety, Installation and Maintenance Fire Protection)
SMPSummit Media Partners
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Each group had slightly higher rates of abstinence at the end of the first week of treatment--when follow-up monitoring of patients might begin in a standard medical practice.
Each group had slightly higher rates of abstinence at the end of the first week of treatment--when follow-up monitoring of patients might begin in a standard medical practice. But 2 weeks after randomization, cessation rates had fallen among all three groups.
pylori infection and gastrointestinal illness and to introduce diagnosis of this infection and appropriate treatment for it into standard medical practice. In addition, rigorous population surveys that include children are needed to identify high-risk groups of persons for targeted public health interventions (7).
But there has never been a large, long-term, placebo-controlled trial--and most doctors want more information before accepting DHEA treatment in standard medical practice. No one is expecting such a trial, because DHEA has long been used so it cannot be patented: therefore no pharmaceutical company will pay for the research, because it could not recoup its investment later by charging monopoly prices.
We also reject the idea that in standard medical practice today amniocentesis is recommended only when a cluster of structural anomalies or a number of markers is found.
Computerized physician order entry (POE) will be come part of standard medical practice in the next 10 years.
Scientists are rapidly developing gene therapy treatments for other illnesses, but it will take years before the revolutionary technique becomes standard medical practice. Since genes often work in concert, "gene therapy may turn out to be vastly more complicated than people imagine," says Kaebnick.
'This followed his scan and is standard medical practice. To ignore such medical advice would have been illogical.
She begins by identifying and rejecting existing critical models that treat mesmerism as the forerunner of either hypnosis or psychoanalysis, or that consider it only in relation to what has since emerged as standard medical practice. Instead Winter demonstrates how popular mesmerism was throughout the early- and mid-nineteenth century, creating a legacy of tropes, situations, and vocabulary that had a profound effect on developing sciences and scientific investigation.
The fourth patient group will be observed according to the current standard medical practice of "watchful waiting" for the vitreous hemorrhage to clear on its own.
Despite conflicting testimony and defense evidence that he had done nothing beyond the bounds of standard medical practice, Edelin was convicted of manslaughter in Massachusetts Superior Court on February 15, 1975.
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