(redirected from Sport Nautique Bisontin)
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SNBSouthern National Bank (various locations)
SNBSwiss National Bank (est. 1907)
SNBSan Bernardino (Amtrak station code; San Bernardino, CA)
SNBSecret Nuclear Bunker (UK)
SNBStagonospora Nodorum Blotch (disease)
SNBSentinel Node Biopsy
SNBService New Brunswick
SNBSaddle Node Bifurcation
SNBSymphony New Brunswick (Canada)
SNBSierra Nevada Batholith (California)
SNBShake and Bake (algorithm)
SNBSpecial Negotiating Body
SNBSingapore Nursing Board
SNBStratégie Nationale pour La Biodiversité (French: National Strategy for Biodiversity; est. 2004)
SNBShort Bed Stepside (trucks)
SNBService Nouveau-Brunswick (French: Service New Brunswick; Canada)
SNBSyndicat National de La Banque et du Crédit (French: National Bank and Credit Union)
SNBSport Nautique Bisontin (French water sports club)
SNBSyndicat National des Basketteurs (French: National Union of Basketball Players; est. 1988)
SNBSociété Nautique de Bandol (French: Bandol Boating Society)
SNBStrictly Non-Blocking
SNBSierra Nevada Brewing Company (California)
SNBSee Notes Below
SNBSurface Nuclear Burst
SNBSprawl 'n' Brawl (fighting tactic)
SNBStrengths/Needs-Based (Department of Human Services)
SNBSociété Nouvelle Boude (French public works company)
SNBSella-Nasion-Supramentale (Cephalometrics, aka Point B)
SNBStorage Network Backbone (Sandial)
SNBState Nursing Board (various locations)
SNBSchweizerische Nazionalbank (Swiss National Bank)
SNBSociété Nouvelle Barberot (French restoration company)
SNBSociété Nouvelle Bloch (French construction company)
SNBSociété Nouvelle Brunereau (French: New Company Brunereau; France)
SNBSection Noiséenne de Badminton (French badminton club)
SNBSports Nautiques Brevinois (French: Water Sports Brevinois; France)
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