(redirected from Socialist International Women)
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SIWStrong Independent Woman
SIWStoßfänger in Wagenfarbe (German auto company)
SIWSystem Information for Windows (system properties and settings display)
SIWSocialist International Women (various locations)
SIWShort Instruction Word
SIWSystem Information for Windows
SIWShipping Intelligence Weekly (publication; Clarkson)
SIWSimulation Interoperability Workshop
SIWSinnlos Im Weltraum (German Star Trek spoof)
SIWSelf-Inflicted Wounds
SIWSubstrate Integrated Waveguide
SIWService Interworking (ATM, frame relay, etc.)
SIWStrategic Intelligence Wing
SIWSimulation Works, Inc. (Saint Paul, MN)
SIWSex Industry Worker (adult services)
SIWSilent in Waiting (gaming group)
SIWSchool of Infantry Weapons (Singapore Armed Forces)
SIWSoftware Inspections Workshop (STSC)
SIWSenior Information Warfare Applications Course
SIWSisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament, Cleveland (religious order)
SIWShare Ideas Willingly
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This move from leadership level to try to make the Labour Party more women-friendly came at a time when Socialist International Women -- the women's section of the worldwide alliance of social democratic parties -- were strongly recommending the use of quotas within its member parties to increase women's representation.
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