(redirected from Social Compliance Officer)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
SCO | Santa Cruz Operation |
SCO | Scotland |
SCO | Shanghai Cooperation Organization |
SCO | Swiss Cooperation Office (various locations) |
SCO | Strategic Capabilities Office (US DoD) |
SCO | State Controller’s Office |
SCO | Scottish Chamber Orchestra (UK) |
SCO | Servizio Centrale Operativo (Italian: Central Operational Service) |
SCO | Shop cum Office (real estate; India) |
SCO | Steel Can Opener (appliance) |
SCO | Service Civique Obligatoire (French: Mandatory Civic Service) |
SCO | Score File |
SCO | Set Synchronous Connection Oriented |
SCO | Synchronous Connection Oriented Link |
SCO | St. Christopher Ottilie (New York) |
SCO | Synthetic Crude Oil |
SCO | Sharable Content Object |
SCO | State Coordinating Officer (FEMA) |
SCO | Special Counsel's Office (US DOJ) |
SCO | Second Chance Offer (bids) |
SCO | Senior Care Options |
SCO | System Center Online (Microsoft) |
SCO | Senior Commercial Officer (US foreign service) |
SCO | Supply Chain Optimization |
SCO | Squadron Commander |
SCO | School Community Organization (various locations) |
SCO | Synchronous Connection-Oriented Link (Bluetooth) |
SCO | Senior Contracting Official (US Army) |
SCO | Second Class Object (computing) |
SCO | Self Check Out |
SCO | Surface Contaminated Object |
SCO | Sertoli Cell-Only |
SCO | Social Change Organization |
SCO | St. Charles Operations (petrochemical manufacturing; Louisiana) |
SCO | Special Communication Organization (Pakistan) |
SCO | Screening Coordination Office (US FEMA) |
SCO | Sporting Club de l'Ouest (Angers, France soccer club) |
SCO | Senior Credit Officer (banking) |
SCO | State Classification Office (various states) |
SCO | Special Compliance Officer (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) |
SCO | Show Cause Order (legal summons) |
SCO | Supracondylar Femur Osteotomies |
SCO | SpaceCowboy Online (online gaming) |
SCO | Southern Cycling Operations |
SCO | Seasonal Conservation Officer (law enforcement) |
SCO | Sales Contracting Officer |
SCO | Sport Compact Only (various locations) |
SCO | Saskatchewan College of Opticians (Canada) |
SCO | Senior Correctional Officer (Australia) |
SCO | Systems Control Officer |
SCO | Senior Court Officer |
SCO | Senior Civilian Official |
SCO | Successor Contracting Officer |
SCO | Soft Corporate Offer |
SCO | Safety Code Officer |
SCO | Sub-Control Office |
SCO | Service Certifying Organization |
SCO | Scholarship Coordination Office |
SCO | Summary Court Officer |
SCO | Secondary Control Officer |
SCO | Specialist Coalition of Ontario |
SCO | Supreme Court of Ontario |
SCO | System Control Officer |
SCO | Société Canadienne d'Ophthalmologie (Canadian Ophthalmological Society) |
SCO | Safety Condition for Operation |
SCO | Self-Consistent Orbital |
SCO | Sub-Carrier Oscillator |
SCO | Senior Canadian Officer (Canada) |
SCO | Searchlight Control Officer |
SCO | Selective Contingency Options |
SCO | State Cleanup Order |
SCO | Single-Cell Optimum |
SCO | structure-conduct-outcomes |
SCO | Signals Communications Officer |
SCO | Systems Compliance Officer (various companies) |
SCO | System/Secondary Control Officer |
SCO | Statistical Control Office |
SCO | Space Control Officer |
SCO | Shipboard-Controlled Intercept |
SCO | Social Compliance Officer (human resources) |
SCO | Santa Cruz Observatory (Spain) |
SCO | Scope Change Operator |
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