(redirected from Social Change Agent)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
SCA | Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. |
SCA | Single-Connector Attachment (SCSI) |
SCA | Supply Chain Alliance |
SCA | Single County Authority (various locations) |
SCA | Service Component Architecture |
SCA | Sudden Cardiac Arrest |
SCA | Student Conservation Association |
SCA | Service Contract Act |
SCA | Small Craft Advisory |
SCA | Software Communications Architecture |
SCA | Support Center Analyst (various companies) |
SCA | Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (Space) |
SCA | Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists |
SCA | Society of Canadian Artists (Canada) |
SCA | Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget |
SCA | St. Catherine's (Amtrak station code; St. Catherine's, Ontario, Canada) |
SCA | Supreme Council of Antiquities (Egypt) |
SCA | School Construction Authority (New York, NY) |
SCA | Sustainable Community Action (various locations) |
SCA | SharePoint Central Administration (software; Microsoft) |
SCA | Strong Customer Authentication (banking) |
SCA | Sickle Cell Anemia |
SCA | Symposium on Computer Architecture (various locations) |
SCA | Static Code Analysis (software) |
SCA | Spinocerebellar Ataxia |
SCA | School of Contemporary Arts (various locations) |
SCA | Securities Class Action |
SCA | Sony Corporation of America |
SCA | Smart Card Alliance |
SCA | Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (US Department of State) |
SCA | State Court Administration (various locations) |
SCA | Synchronous Communication Adapter |
SCA | Scsi Configured Automatically |
SCA | Speed Catalog Access |
SCA | Sensor Chip Array |
SCA | Subordinate Certification Authority |
SCA | Service Center Address |
SCA | Special Carrier Access |
SCA | Self Certifying Alert |
SCA | Sun Crypto Accelerator |
SCA | Service Center Agencies |
SCA | Single Connector Attachment |
SCA | Shared Communications Area |
SCA | Subsidiary Carrier Authorization |
SCA | Scalable Computing Architecture |
SCA | Structural Coverage Analysis |
SCA | Standard Control Authority |
SCA | Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (Moscow, Russia) |
SCA | Security Capital Assurance, Ltd. |
SCA | Sydney Catchment Authority (Australia) |
SCA | Stamford Center for the Arts (Stamford, CT) |
SCA | Societe en Commandite par Actions |
SCA | Shipbuilders Council of America |
SCA | Special Conservation Area (state forest land) |
SCA | Smoking Cessation Aid |
SCA | Sexual Compulsives Anonymous |
SCA | Savings and Credit Association (various locations) |
SCA | Society for California Archaeology |
SCA | Southern Columbia Area (Catawissa, PA) |
SCA | Supplemental Coolant Additive |
SCA | Sigma Corporation of America (Ronkonkoma, NY) |
SCA | Security Clearance Application (US DoD) |
SCA | Stratégie de Croissance Accélérée (French: Accelerated Growth Strategy; Senegal) |
SCA | Strategic Content Alliance (UK) |
SCA | Sustainable Competitive Advantage |
SCA | Scottish Canoe Association (Edinburgh, Scotland) |
SCA | Student Council Association |
SCA | Swedish Committee for Afghanistan |
SCA | Stochastic Cellular Automata |
SCA | Superior Cerebellar Artery |
SCA | Solar Cell Array |
SCA | Specific Combining Ability |
SCA | Suez Canal Authority |
SCA | School Counseling Association (various organizations) |
SCA | Service Concession Arrangement |
SCA | Seafood Choices Alliance (est. 2001) |
SCA | Secure Content Accelerator (Cisco) |
SCA | Secular Coalition for America (Washington, DC) |
SCA | Slag Cement Association |
SCA | Soil Conservation Authority |
SCA | Sumitomo Corporation of America (also seen as SCOA; New York, NY) |
SCA | Society for Commercial Archeology |
SCA | Snow-Covered Area |
SCA | Satanic Church of America |
SCA | Sun Crypto Accelerator (various companies) |
SCA | Social Change Agent |
SCA | Secretary for Constitutional Affairs (Hong Kong) |
SCA | Sheriff's Citizens Academy (various locations) |
SCA | Side-Channel Analysis (cryptography) |
SCA | Single Channel Analyzer |
SCA | Special Central Assistance (India) |
SCA | Sumitomo Chemical Asia (est. 2006) |
SCA | Society of Core Analysts |
SCA | Scientific Computing Associates |
SCA | Small Coronary Artery (cardiology) |
SCA | Santa Clara Aquamaids (est. 1964; California) |
SCA | Service Center Agencies (USDA) |
SCA | Samoyed Club of America |
SCA | Sensitive Coastal Area (South Africa) |
SCA | Supplementary Credit Approval (UK) |
SCA | Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos (Spanish: Colombian Society of Architects; Bogotá, Colombia) |
SCA | Sharp Corporation of Australia Pty. Ltd. |
SCA | Society of Commercial Arboriculture |
SCA | Supply Chain Analyst |
SCA | Sleeping Car Attendant (railways) |
SCA | South Central Asia |
SCA | Student Center Activities (various organizations) |
SCA | Specialty Coffee Association |
SCA | Selective Call Acceptance |
SCA | Surf Camp Australia |
SCA | Sneak Circuit Analysis |
SCA | Service Contractors Association (various organizations) |
SCA | Service Contract Approval (US Army) |
SCA | Scottsdale Christian Academy (Scottsdale, Arizona, USA) |
SCA | Subcontract Administrator |
SCA | Statement of Custodial Activity |
SCA | Special Committee on Agriculture (EU) |
SCA | Smart Card Association |
SCA | Subcontract Award |
SCA | Sea Cargo Automation (shipping; various locations) |
SCA | Secretaria de Coordenação da Amazônia (Portuguese: Amazon Region Coordination Secretariat; Brazil) |
SCA | Standing Committee on Agriculture |
SCA | Singapore Changi Airport (Singapore) |
SCA | Sister Cities Association |
SCA | Student Catholic Action (Philippines) |
SCA | Sumitomo Chemical America |
SCA | South Carolina Aquarium (Charleston, SC) |
SCA | Sprayed Concrete Association (UK) |
SCA | Sequence Control Assembly (US NASA) |
SCA | Sickle Cell Association |
SCA | Societate in Còmandita pe Actiuni (Romanian: limited joint stock companies) |
SCA | Senescent Cell Antigen |
SCA | Summit Christian Academy (Yorktown, VA; incorporated in 1995) |
SCA | System Communication Architecture |
SCA | Securities Custody Account |
SCA | Sensor Chip Assembly |
SCA | Surface Charge Analyzer |
SCA | Subsidiary Communications Authority (FCC) |
SCA | School Clothing Allowance (West Virginia) |
SCA | Simulation Control Area (US NASA) |
SCA | Specific Collection Area |
SCA | Solar Collector Assembly |
SCA | Seed Certifying Agency (various locations) |
SCA | Single Connector Architecture |
SCA | Sea Cadet Association |
SCA | Synchronous Clock Adjustment |
SCA | Space Coordinating Authority (Joint Force Military Operations) |
SCA | Scottish Childminding Association (UK) |
SCA | Satellite Control Authority |
SCA | Security Control Agreement |
SCA | Sumitomo Chemical Australia |
SCA | Subcommissural Aortic Annuloplasty |
SCA | Suitland Civic Association (Suitland, MD) |
SCA | Single Call Arrangement |
SCA | Specific Collecting Area (electrostatic precipitators; air pollution control) |
SCA | Seattle Counselors Association (Seattle, WA) |
SCA | Scottish Croquet Association |
SCA | Short-Circuit Analysis |
SCA | Sprinter Club Arlésien (sports club; Arles, France) |
SCA | Status of Children Act |
SCA | Shop Certification Authority (aviation) |
SCA | Senior Competition Advocate (acquisition procedures) |
SCA | Service Cost Avoidance |
SCA | Saint Cecilia Academy (Pasig City, Metro Manila, Philippines) |
SCA | Society for Creative Acronyms |
SCA | Software Corporation of America, Inc. |
SCA | Service Cryptologic Agency |
SCA | Structural Coverage Analysis (DO-178B Certification) |
SCA | Single Case Agreement (insurance) |
SCA | Société Canadienne d'Agronomie (Canadian Society of Agronomy) |
SCA | Shalom Christian Academy |
SCA | Self-Contained Approach |
SCA | Ship Cost Adjustment |
SCA | Swedish Concrete Association |
SCA | Self-Controlled Airspace |
SCA | State Cooperative Agreement |
SCA | Singapore Club Aquanaut |
SCA | Spacecraft Checkout Area (NASA) |
SCA | Show Cause Authority |
SCA | Société du Crédit Agricole du Canada (farm credit corporation) |
SCA | Self-Complementary Antenna |
SCA | Stock Control Activity |
SCA | Square Contour Algorithm |
SCA | Scheduling Committee Action (USAF Academy) |
SCA | Scottish Conjurers' Association (Glasgow, Scotland) |
SCA | Southern Cemetery Association |
SCA | System Concept Analysis |
SCA | Special Customer Arrangement/Agreement |
SCA | Single Cabinet ASOS (National Weather Service) |
SCA | Shipping Control Authority |
SCA | Social Compliance Auditor |
SCA | Switchgear and Controlgear Assembly |
SCA | Space Camp Andøya (Norway) |
SCA | Summary Cost Account |
SCA | Software Configuration Audit |
SCA | Scientific Computer Applications, Inc (Tulsa, Oklahoma) |
SCA | Shanghai Copyright Administration |
SCA | Software Configuration Architecture |
SCA | Soliton Cellular Automata |
SCA | Student Contribution from Assets (universities) |
SCA | Sub-Channel Assignment |
SCA | Space Colony Ark (video games) |
SCA | Site Characterization Analysis |
SCA | Suffolk County Area |
SCA | Southern Communications Area |
SCA | Specification Compliance Agreement |
SCA | Service Creation Agent |
SCA | Software Control Architecture (computer science) |
SCA | Site Concurrence Agreement |
SCA | Saint Charles Associates (St. Charles, Maryland) |
SCA | Self-Cohering Array |
SCA | Subordinate Command Activity |
SCA | Systems Configuration Administrator |
SCA | Supplemental Crew Alert |
SCA | Systems Constant Area |
SCA | Stone Cutters Axe (gaming) |
SCA | Silver Channel Administration |
SCA | Special Caution Area |
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