(redirected from Safe and Fast Environment)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
SAFE | State Administration of Foreign Exchange (China) |
SAFE | Stop Abuse for Everyone |
SAFE | Scaled Agile Framework |
SAFE | Search and Find Everything |
SAFE | Securing America's Future Energy (bill and organization) |
SAFE | Safety Awareness for Everyone (various locations) |
SAFE | Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope (Horizon Hobby, Inc.) |
SAFE | Security and Freedom Through Encryption |
SAFE | Stand Alone Fax Encryptor |
SAFE | Sistema De Asistencia Al Frenado De Emergencia |
SAFE | South Africa, Far East (cable project) |
SAFE | Security and Accountability for Every (Port Act) |
SAFE | Self-Abuse Finally Ends (anti-self-injury treatment & support organization) |
SAFE | Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner |
SAFE | Student Association for Freedom of Expression (MIT) |
SAFE | Secure All-Around Flotation Equipped (boats) |
SAFE | Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (California) |
SAFE | Santa Fe National Historic Trail (US National Park Service) |
SAFE | Security and Freedom Ensured Act (related to USA PATRIOT Act) |
SAFE | Society of Aviation and Flight Educators (professional organization) |
SAFE | Secure Access for Everyone (now Signatures and Authentication for Everyone) |
SAFE | Safe and Fast Environment (supply chain security principle) |
SAFE | Socially Accountable Farm Employers |
SAFE | Save America's Free Enterprise (NFIB) |
SAFE | Silvoarable Agroforestry For Europe |
SAFE | Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways |
SAFE | Signatures and Authentication for Everyone (formerly Secure Access for Everyone) |
SAFE | Sane Alternatives to the Firearms Epidemic |
SAFE | Smokefree Air For Everyone |
SAFE | Secure Analyst File Environment (US DoD) |
SAFE | Safety Advancement For Employees |
SAFE | Selected Area For Evasion (combat search and rescue) |
SAFE | Solvents, Automotive, Flammables, Electronics (disposal; various locations) |
SAFE | Signal Processing Applications for Public Security and Forensics (IEEE Workshop) |
SAFE | Secure Authorized Foreign Employee |
SAFE | Student Association for Fire Ecology |
SAFE | Spatial Aggregate Fielding Evaluation |
SAFE | Solderless Assembly for Electronics (technology) |
SAFE | Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics |
SAFE | Survival and Flight Equipment Association |
SAFE | School Action for Emergencies |
SAFE | Safety and Fire Education |
SAFE | Safety Actions for Europe |
SAFE | Security Against Fraud Enhancements (sticker on a bogus card swipe device) |
SAFE | Sudan-American Foundation for Education, Inc |
SAFE | Secure, Accessible, Fast, Easy (Paypal) |
SAFE | Security Architecture for Enterprise |
SAFE | Serena Application Framework for Enterprises |
SAFE | Student Assistance and Family Empowerment |
SAFE | Save America's Fossils for Everyone |
SAFE | Seniors Against Federal Extravagance |
SAFE | Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education, Inc. (Commack, NY) |
SAFE | Solar Array Flight Experiment |
SAFE | Sane Aviation for Everyone, Inc. |
SAFE | Smoke Alarms for Everyone |
SAFE | Secure against Fires and Embers (US DHS) |
SAFE | Solder Alloy Free Electronics |
SAFE | Screening Applied Fairly and Equitably to Truckers Act of 2008 |
SAFE | Services to Abused Families, Inc. |
SAFE | Safe, Active, Family Environment |
SAFE | Saving Animals for Everyone |
SAFE | Structural Appraisal of Fatigue Effects |
SAFE | Safety Awareness and Family Education Network (Child Sex Abuse Prevention) |
SAFE | San Andreas Fault Experiment |
SAFE | Safety Awareness and Family Education |
SAFE | Standard Archive Format for Europe |
SAFE | System to Avoid Fraud Effectively (MasterCard) |
SAFE | Surgery, Antibiotics, Face Washing and Environmental Improvement (WHO) |
SAFE | Student Association for the Environment (Pomona College) |
SAFE | Student and Family Empowerment (drug and violence prevention program) |
SAFE | Strength Agility Flexibility Endurance (four areas of fitness) |
SAFE | Safety Analysis and Functional Evaluation (oil & gas) |
SAFE | Stationary Attachment Flexible Endoskeletal (prosthesis) |
SAFE | Secure Architecture for Enterprise |
SAFE | Safety Assessment/Facility Evaluation |
SAFE | Safe Access and Family Empowerment |
SAFE | Security And Freedom through Encryption Act of 1999 (US) |
SAFE | Space and Flight Equipment Association (now just SAFE Association) |
SAFE | Skills & Assets for Excellence (police) |
SAFE | Students Against Fees in Education |
SAFE | Shaw Air Force Employees (Shaw AFB, SC) |
SAFE | Society for the Advancement of Fission Energy |
SAFE | Survivors and Allies for Education |
SAFE | Students, Administrators and Faculty for Equality on Campus |
SAFE | Student Advocates for Freedom & Equality |
SAFE | Stochastic Analysis of Fragmentation Effects |
SAFE | Support for the Analyst's File Environment (US DoD) |
SAFE | Smoke Alarms For Escape (Ocala, FL fire safety program) |
SAFE | Self-Adaptive Flight Experiment |
SAFE | Secure Address Foundation Extensions (Meta IP) |
SAFE | Security, Automatic weapons, Fields of fire, Entrenchment |
SAFE | Sensor Analysis and Fusion Environment (US Defense Threat Reduction Agency) |
SAFE | Safeguards Automated Facility Evaluation (United State Nuclear Regulatory Commission) |
SAFE | System for Automated Flight Efficiency |
SAFE | Secure Access Federal/State Exchange |
SAFE | Shores Action Force Eyes (Marion County, Florida) |
SAFE | Sequential Analysis for Force Employment |
SAFE | Spirituality in Action for Family Empowerment (Trinidad & Tobago) |
SAFE | Nickname for HQ USAF Programs Usually Connected With Security |
SAFE | Slow and easy movements, Apply natural buoyancy, Full lung inflation, Extreme Relaxation (how to float) |
SAFE | Standard Approach for Evaluators (inspection compliance) |
SAFE | Sexy and Fresh Everyday |
SAFE | Students Are Friendly to Everyone (McKinley Elementary School; Billings, Montana) |
SAFE | Sustainable Agriculture, Food and Economics |
SAFE | Secular Alliance of Freethought and Enlightenment (Louisville, KY) |
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