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StFwStabsfeldwebel (German)
StFwSchweizerische Technische Fachschule Winterthur (German: Winterthur Swiss Technical College; Switzerland)
StFwSearch The Freaking Web (polite form; similar to RTFM)
StFwSo the Freak What (polite form)
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Table 1--Mean values, coefficient of variation (CV) and regression equation for the characteristics stem height (StH), stem diameter (StD), stem fresh weight (StFW), number of leaves per stem (NLSt), leaf fresh weight per stem (LFWSt), leaf dry matter per stem (LDMSt), number of flower per stem (NFSt) and diameter of the floral receptacle (DFR) of ornamental sunflower plants in response to seed-treatment with humic acids (HA) at concentrations of 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40mmol [L.sup.-1] C.
The parameters analysed included: plant height (PH), number of leaves (nl), leaves fresh weight (lfw), leaves dry weight (ldw), stem fresh weight (stfw), stem dry weight (stdw), shoot fresh weight (sfw), shoot dry weight (sdw), root fresh weight (rfw), root dry weight (rdw), total leaf area (LA), water potential of leaves ([y.sub.1]); relative water content (RWC) of the leaves of two cucumber cultivar and three related species.
In C.M.C, stfw and stdw tended to decrease under stress but not significantly, whereas both parameters showed a significant reduction under SS in B.