SMAGSalaire Minimum Agricole Garanti (French: Guaranteed Minimum Agricultural Wage; France and Morocco)
SMAGSpecial Medical Advisory Group (various organizations)
SMAGSupply Management Activity Group
SMAGScottish Motor Auction Group
SMAGScott McRae Automotive Group (Jacksonville, FL)
SMAGSupply Maintenance Activity Group
SMAGSparkle Magic API for Graphics
SMAGSalisbury Mutual Assistance Group (Maryland)
SMAGSystems Maintenance Assembly Group
SMAGSocial Media Anthropology Group (Salt Lake City, UT)
SMAGSingapore Malay Amateur Golf
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Celles concernant la revalorisation du Smig et du Smag ont trouve bon echo.
In this connection, Jrad recalled in a statement to media at the end of the meeting that the value of the guaranteed minimum wage between the two sectors has been unified since 2013, after a levelling of the value of the Smag, indicating that the approved minimum wage currently stands at 370 dinars, in addition to a transport premium of 31 dinars.
In "Sondag 8 Februarie berig" (373-4) word verwys na 'n gevangene wat smag na branderplankry en nagereg.
Die mense wat onderdruk word, kan nie wag tot die wederkoms op geestelike bevryding nie, omdat hulle nou reeds na 'n beter bestel smag. Die spreker bid om 'n bewindsverandering en nie om die koms van die koninkryk nie.
Na identificacao dos produtores envolvidos, foram consultados dirigentes das seguintes entidades ligadas ao setor vitivinicola no Municipio: Secretaria Municipal da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abastecimento de Caxias do Sul (SMAG), Embrapa Uva e Vinho, Servico de Apoio as Micro e Pequenas Empresas do Rio Grande do Sul (Sebrae-RS), Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural Administracao Regional do Rio Grande do Sul (Senar-RS), Empresa de Assistencia Tecnica e Extensao Rural--escritorio de Caxias do Sul (Emater), Sindicatos Rural e dos Trabalhadores Rurais de Caxias do Sul, Associacao de Produtores de Uva de Mesa de Cultivo Protegido--APUP, e revendas de insumos agricolas.
(22.) Porto AJ, Funari SRC, Dierckx SMAG. Consumo e utilizacao do alimento pelo bicho-daseda (Bombyx mori L.), alimentado com dois cultivares de amoreira em diferentes idades de corte.
(192.) For this interpretation, see Smag (Sefer Mitzvot Gdolot), Mitzvat Aseh 9; Chiddushei Harim on the Torah, at 183.
3/ Increase of the guaranteed minimum agricultural wage (SMAG) by 270 millimes per day, i.e.
Kevin Bann, director of SMAG, said: "We plan to grow our management team and create career opportunities throughout the business.
Hazon Ish (3:1) and Maharshal (on Smag, positive commandment 26) are of the opinion that the fringe can be lengthened without modifying the braided section, and this would still "beautify" the tsitsit.
ke la sha yi mdangs 'phrog pa'i|| sa 'dzin dkar pos phyogs rnams kun|| bar mtshams med par dkrigs na yang|| mi shes smag rum 'thibs pa 'dir|| rgyal ba' i bka' dang de don 'byed la dbang du gyur pa' i mkhas pa' i gsung|| sgra don ji bzhin legs par bsgyur nas 'gro ba rnams la thar pa'i lam|| gsal bar mdzad pas gangs ri'i khrod'di lha dang bcas pa'i 'jig rten gyi|| cod pan thod kyis bkur ba'i zhing du brtson pa du mas bsgrubs pa gang||