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SEMUSoft Edge Matching Unit (projector function)
SEMUShort Extravehicular Mobility Unit
SEMUStandard Earth Monetary Unit (proposed universal monetary standard)
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(5) Finally, simutu has a perfectly acceptable inner-Akkadian etymology: it could derive from semu "to hear" according to the nominal pattern *pirust-, which is common with III-weak roots in Akkadian (von Soden (3) 1995: [section]55j*).
They deliberately employed interpreters and translators recruited from elsewhere in the Mongol imperium, known in China as 'people of various categories' (semu [phrase omitted]).
A Semu palace dietician, Hu Sihui, penned a book on dietary medicine, The Correct Essence of Drinking and Eating (Yinshan Zhengyao), which recorded food preparation traditions in China, Mongolia and Eurasia.
(9.) In Taiwan Atayal tribal women and men wore facial tattoos as a symbol of maturity; the last tattooed Attyal woman was 104 in 2011 when she participated in a staged tableau composed and photographed by Pasifika artist Greg Semu. Semu, of Samoan heritage, has extensive tattoos which were of great interest to the elderly woman who had thought she was the last person in the world to be tattooed.
Male Wistar rats (250 g) from the Animal House of the Faculty of Medicine Estacio of Juazeiro do Norte (Ceara, Brazil) were divided into six groups (SO, untreated 6-OHDA and 6-OHDA treated with SEMU, at the doses of 5,10, 20, and 40 mg/kg, p.o.), ranging from 5 to 12 animals.
Semu Bhatt is a Mumbai-based analyst specializing in security and governance issues.
(5) "Veruiut" tsari nashi solntsu semu, i mesiatsu i zvezdam i ognevi ..." (Pravoslavnyi sobesednik, 361).
In secondary positions he favored Semu or foreigners, especially Turks and other nationals of central Asian origin.
Ethnicity, class, and gender are among the elements of culture thrown into high relief through analysis of behavior in bar settings (Caceres & Cortinas, 1996; Graves, Graves, Semu & Sam, 1982; Lindsay, 2006; Natkin, 1985; Smith, 1985).