SEMRSystem Executive Management Report
SEMRSiberian Electronic Mathematical Reports (Sobolev Institue of Mathematics; Russia)
SEMRSoutheast Michigan Runners (club)
SEMRSchoolwide Enrichment Model-Reading (framework; also seen as SEM-R)
SEMRSenior Executive Management Report (US Department of Defense)
SEMRSustainability Executive Management Review
SEMRStation d'Essais d'Eléments de Matériel Routier (French: Testing Station for Road Making Equipment)
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References in periodicals archive ?
While constructing an utterance out of a starting SemR--or, more precisely, under this SemR's lexicalization--each of L's slots has to be "filled," or "saturated," with a linguistic entity of a particular type; this entity can be a meaning (at the semantic level) or an LU (at a syntactic level).
--in the SemR of an utterance, 'X' can be an argument of more than one predicate;
In the starting SemR of sentence (14), the meaning of nepremenno/ objazatel'no characterizes the predicate '[to] come', that is, this meaning is a predicate that has 'come' as its argument.