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Acronym | Definition |
SEB | Sistema Educacional Brasileiro (Portuguese: Brazilian Educational System) |
SEB | Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB |
SEB | Smart Employee Benefits (Canada) |
SEB | Super Eurobeat (music CD series) |
SEB | Social, Economic and Behavioural (research) |
SEB | Sophie Ellis-Bextor (singer) |
SEB | Self-Employed Borrower |
SEB | Single End Billing |
SEB | Search Engine Builder |
SEB | Stock Exchange Bank (various locations) |
SEB | Source Evaluation Board |
SEB | Society for Experimental Biology |
SEB | State Electricity Board |
SEB | Student Executive Board (various schools) |
SEB | Software Engineering Branch (various organizations) |
SEB | Systems Engineering Branch |
SEB | Sharp Electronics Benelux BV (Netherlands) |
SEB | Special Enforcement Bureau (similar to police SWAT team) |
SEB | Single Entry Bond (imports) |
SEB | Society for Economic Botany (St. Louis, MO; est. 1959) |
SEB | Single Edge Blade (various companies) |
SEB | Single-Event Burnout (electronics in space) |
SEB | Société d'Emboutissage de Bourgogne (French manufacturing consortium) |
SEB | Skandinavska Enskilda Banken |
SEB | Site Event Buffer (Teltronics) |
SEB | Support Equipment Building |
SEB | Single Equality Body |
SEB | Scleral Expansion Band |
SEB | Seat Electronics Box (aircraft passenger entertainment system) |
SEB | Social Enterprise Berkshire (UK) |
SEB | Selective Enlistment Bonus |
SEB | Software Engineering Bibliographic |
SEB | Senior Executive Band (Australia) |
SEB | SECCHI Electronics Box |
SEB | Support Equipment Bulletin |
SEB | Senior Executive Board |
SEB | Scientific Equipment Bay (US NASA) |
SEB | Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Disease |
SEB | Systems Engineering Board |
SEB | Southern European Broadcasting Service |
SEB | Space Enterprise Board |
SEB | Start Edge Bit |
SEB | Science Education Board |
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