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RSRadio Shack
RSRally Sport (Chevrolet Camaro)
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RSReed-Solomon (error-correction code)
RSRolling Stone (magazine)
RSRailway Station
RSRelief Society
RSRed Sea
RSResult Set
RSRight Side
RSRequest to Send
RSRemote Sensing
RSRoyal Society
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RSRuneScape (game)
RSReligious Studies
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RSRenaultsport (race car)
RSRupees (Indian, Sri Lankan, & Pakistani Currency)
RSRunescape (computer game)
RSRelative Strength
RSRapid Start (fluorescent light bulbs)
RSResearch Scientist (various locations)
RSReference Standard (various locations)
RSRoadside (vehicle design)
RSRennsport (English: Motorsport)
RSRallye Sport (Ford Motor Company; Europe)
RSReliable Source
RSResearch Staff
RSReference Signal
RSRocket Ship
RSRepublika Srpska (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
RSRajya Sabha (India)
RSRuns Scored (sports)
RSRadio Silence
RSRecruiting Station (US DoD)
RSRavi Shankar (Indian musician)
RSReservation System
RSRed Shirt (Star Trek)
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RSRotary Switch
RSRecommended Standard
RSSystem Reliability
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RSReach Stacker (construction equipment)
RSRackmount Server
RSResearch Summaries (DTIC)
RSRichter Scale
RSRadio Star
RSRingo Starr (musician)
RSReference Station (software)
RSSocial Movement (Poland)
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RSRogue Spear (game)
RSReset Key
RSRouter Solicitation
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RSRobert Schumann (classical composer)
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RSRecording Secretary
RSReceiving Ship (various locations)
RSRocket Scientist
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RSReduction Strategies (in Rewriting and Programming)
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RSRubber Soul (Beatles album)
RSRockstar Games
RSResponse Support
RSRemote Station
RSReligious Support (US DoD)
RSRaven Shield (computer game)
RSRegional Stability
RSRadio Science
RSRun Support (baseball; runs scored for a pitcher per 9 innings)
RSRoyal Selangor
RSRanger Station (US NPS)
RSRelay System
RSReed-Sternberg (Cell)
RSRange Safety
RSRegional Summary (various organizations)
RSReye's Syndrome
RSRead Set
RSReverse Split (stocks)
RSRockwell Software
RSReconnaissance Squadron
RSRevised Statute
RSRichard Simmons (fitness personality)
RSRetail System
RSReturn Specialist (football)
RSRoyal Scots (British Regiment)
RSReligious Science
RSRaster Scan
RSRough Set (theory)
RSRelay Satellite
RSRequirement Specification
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RSRussian Segment
RSRoad Sweeper
RSReconnaissance and Surveillance
RSRead Signal (Nortel)
RSRegistered Sanitarian (NEHA credential)
RSRadiation Sensor
RSRadar Set
RSReduced Strength
RSRankin Scale (medicine)
RSRedemptionis Sacramentum
RSRising Stem (valve)
RSRegenerator Section
RSRequest for Support
RSReport of Survey
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RSRestraint and Seclusion
RSRadiated Susceptibility
RSRoger Staubach
RSReconciliation Sublayer
RSRoad Survey
RSRegistration Standard
RSRun Steel
RSRequirement Submission (US DoD)
RSRedundancy Switch
RSRouter Shelf (Cisco)
RSRecord of Survey
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RSRoll Stabilization
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RSRadio Spares (UK electronic component supplier)
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RSRozgar Samachar (Hindi magazine)
RSRate Synthesizer (US DoD)
RSResistance Soldering
RSRegion Server
RSRedirection Server
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RSReconnaissance & Strike
RSReverse Shear
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RSRemote Survey
RSReporting Senior (military)
RSRemote Sentry
RSReactive Search (predictive analysis)
RSRadiation Susceptibility
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RSRole Specialization
RSRadiocommunications Sector
RSRinged Sideroblast (blood disorders)
RSRhythmic Stabilization (PNF technique)
RSResume Sheet
RSRebel Squadrons (Star Wars gaming fan group)
RSReactive Scheduling
RSRothschild-Stiglitz (insurance model)
RSReforesting Scotland (UK)
RSRestricted Staff
RSReceive Segment
RSRoute Stability
RSRegimental Support
RSRadioactive Shipments
RSReplenishment Spares
RSRat Stuff (polite form, Australian slang, poor quality or broken)
RSRemotely Settable (Fuze)
RSRichtschütze (German: Gunner)
RSRealty Section
RSRobin Sena (anime)
RSRimming Steel
RSRow Seeder
RSRosyth School (Singapore)
RSReactor Starting
RSRandom Sean (band)
RSRadio Set/System
RSRobotic Servicer
RSRapid Shooter (Canon EOS 1N camera)
RSReferral Score
RSRainier Symphony (Seattle, WA)
RSReprocessing Specification
RSUS Revenue Private Die Medicine (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
RSRehabaid Society
RSRiot Squad Counter-Strike Clan (Dallas, TX)
RSDCS/Recruiting Service (USAF)
RSReached Surface Time
RSRecommended Schedule/Standard
RSRelocation/Reconstruction Site
RSRuhunu Sisila (Sri Lankan organization)
RSResourceStorage (architectural engineering web services)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Now, after several spin-offs which included Rogue Spear, the Ghost Recon series and the film tie-in The Sum of All Fears, comes the next chapter for the Rainbow Six team.
The engine is very Ghost Recon, but Raven Shield makes the likes of Rogue Spear and Sum Of All Fears look like Rhubarb & Custard cartoons.
These include Disney's Peter Pan Return to Never Land, Xbladex: In-Line Skater, Tom Clancy's Rogue Spear, Super Black Bass Advance, Chessmaster and Scrabble.
Well, now GameBoy Advance users can as UbiSoft have just released Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear on the console.
Consequently Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear is a lot more playable in its handheld form.
Rogue Spear has some nice touches, notably the sniper mode which simulates a loss of accuracy over longer ranges by making your targeting crosshairs increasingly wobbly the further away you place them.
The company that develops Tom Clancy's video games recently licensed the so-called "game engine" of Clancy's popular Rainbow Six Rogue Spear to a Defense Department contractor, who will develop training systems for U.S.
A sequel, "Rogue Spear," will hit store shelves in the fall.
This latest from the French publisher aims to extend the scope of the Rogue Spear, Ghost Recon phenomenon, which let players take charge of Delta Force-style units and rip up the opposition..
Also delayed is Ubi Soft's Tom Clancy's Rogue Spear:Black Thorn, also based on terrorism and Electronic Arts has pulled the launch of Red Alert add-on, Yuri's Revenge, so it can alter artwork on the box.
Now you can join Rainbow Six, the secret security force, because we've TEN copies of their latest action adventure Rogue Spear on PC CD-ROM to give away.
Thankfully, this sees the Rogue Spear team back on top form, with a set of nine linked single-player missions and six new multi-player maps.