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RFLRelay For Life (American Cancer Society fundraiser)
RFLRugby Football League (UK)
RFLReason For Living
RFLRestoring Family Links
RFLRecent File List
RFLRoyalty Free License
RFLRoad Fund Licence (UK tax)
RFLRequest for Leave
RFLRestrictive Fire Line
RFLRobot Fighting League
RFLResistance Fault Locator
RFLradiofrequency lesioning (pain management)
RFLRevue Francophone des Laboratoires (French medical magazines)
RFLRequired Fitness Level
RFLResorcinol-Formaldehyde-Latex (chemical system used to bond polyester or nylon to rubber)
RFLRoommate for Life
RFLResident Faculty Leader (West Virginia University)
RFLRevolution Fight League (martial arts)
RFLRegistered Foreign Lawyer (UK)
RFLRosario Football League (Argentina)
RFLReflections Records
RFLRestricted Frequency List (US DoD)
RFLRadio Fréquence Luynes (French radio station)
RFLRandom Fatigue Limit
RFLResearch for Life
RFLReady For Lunch?
RFLReally Freaking Loud (Polite Form)
RFLResponse Force Leader (US DoD)
RFLRestricted Flammable Liquid
RFLRegulatory Functions Levy (Australia)
RFLReally Freaking Lame (polite form)
RFLRadio Fréquence Laon (French radio station)
RFLRebel Football League (fantasy football)
RFLRight Fuel Level
RFLRéunion Fruits et Légumes (French produce company)
RFLRavalement de Façades Lyonnaises (French home renovation company)
RFLRossbrook Football League (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)
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References in classic literature ?
I never had so much reason for living, was my concluding thought; and after that, until I dozed, I contented myself with trying to pierce the darkness to where I knew Maud crouched low in the stern-sheets, watchful of the foaming sea and ready to call me on an instant's notice.
Still, there was one position worse than the present: it was the position he would be in when the ugly secret was disclosed; and the desire that continually triumphed over every other was that of warding off the evil day, when he would have to bear the consequences of his father's violent resentment for the wound inflicted on his family pride--would have, perhaps, to turn his back on that hereditary ease and dignity which, after all, was a sort of reason for living, and would carry with him the certainty that he was banished for ever from the sight and esteem of Nancy Lammeter.
This is my reason for living secret here, with the aid of a good old man who is my true friend.
One of the songs on the CD is You Give Me A Reason for Living, a poem Enyd wrote at Lyn's bedside in the University Hospital of Wales after he was diagnosed with leukaemia.
The majority of residents in our study reported medical problems as the reason for living in the facility.
It was a way of living, a reason for living. People say, `She must have gone through so many sacrifices, so much hardship.' But Lucille and Piero chose this life.
Michelangelo contracted influenza in the epidemic of 1562 and his insistence on going out for a walk in the rain shortly before his death is a familiar story of old age that cannot find peace: apart from finishing a limewood crucifix for Leonardo, he saw no reason for living.
The novel suggests that the highest moral imperative and the reason for living, when all has been lost, is human sympathy.
The news has horrified Mrs Green, of Skelmanthorpe, who said: "Peter was my life, my soul and my reason for living. I can't believe he is allowed to appeal.
AN 82-year-old pensioner has told how a nursing home gave him a reason for living after a brutal attack in his own home left him penniless.
THIRST A priest gets vampire blood accidentally and realises his sole reason for living - the pleasures of the flesh.
Jackson dabbed his eyes with a tissue during a segment in which he says children are his reason for living.