(redirected from Railways Athletic Association)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
RAA | Russian Academy of Arts (est. 1757) |
RAA | Regional Airport Authority (Kentucky) |
RAA | Regional Airline Association |
RAA | Royal Automobile Association (South Australia) |
RAA | Recueil des Actes Administratifs (French: Reports of Administrative Proceedings; various organizations) |
RAA | Rural Alberta Advantage (band) |
RAA | Richmond Ambulance Authority |
RAA | Rockport Art Association (Massachusetts) |
RAA | Reinsurance Association of America |
RAA | Rhône-Alpes Auvergne (French region) |
RAA | Resource Allocation Answer |
RAA | Registrar Accreditation Agreement |
RAA | Répertoire d'Art et d'Archéologie (French: Directory of Art and Archaeology) |
RAA | Reflexology Association of America |
RAA | Residential Accredited Appraiser (National Association of Realtors) |
RAA | Royal Australian Artillery |
RAA | Rhumatisme Articulaire Aigu (French: Acute Articular Rheumatism) |
RAA | Right Atrial Appendage |
RAA | Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone |
RAA | Redwood Art Association (Eureka, CA) |
RAA | Registered Athletic Administrator (various organizations) |
RAA | Recycle Ann Arbor (Ann Arbor, MI) |
RAA | Reductio Ad Absurdum (indirect mathematical proof by contradiction) |
RAA | Recreation and Amusement Association (Japan; WWII) |
RAA | Request for Allocation Advice (US FEMA) |
RAA | Reeve Aleutian Airways |
RAA | Radiological Accident Assessment (US FEMA) |
RAA | Root Addressable Area |
RAA | Recycle America Alliance |
RAA | Régiment d'Artillerie d'Afrique (French: Artillery Regiment of Africa; French Army) |
RAA | Royal Artillery Association |
RAA | Real Access Alliance (National Association of Industrial and Office Properties) |
RAA | Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation (Bucharest, Romania children's aid organization) |
RAA | Responsibility, Accountability, and Authority |
RAA | Redeployment Assembly Area |
RAA | Resource Allocation Answer (response to Resource Allocation Request) |
RAA | Rear Assembly Area |
RAA | Robot-Assisted Activity (physical support) |
RAA | Research Across America (various locations) |
RAA | Retained Asset Account (insurance) |
RAA | Random Access Algorithm |
RAA | Restricted Access Area |
RAA | Required Asset Availability |
RAA | Release Application Aborts |
RAA | Right Atrial Abnormality |
RAA | Regional Application Administrator |
RAA | Reconnaissance Avenue of Approach |
RAA | Region Administrative Assistant |
RAA | Request for Alternative Approval |
RAA | Remote Advisory Airport |
RAA | Remote Access Agent (Digital Lightwave) |
RAA | Reservation Aloha Algorithm |
RAA | Reconfigurable-Aperture Antenna |
RAA | Riyadh Alumni Association |
RAA | Rigid-Atom Approximation |
RAA | Research Associate in Anthropology |
RAA | Request for Airborne Assets |
RAA | Receiving Antenna Array |
RAA | Railways Athletic Association |
RAA | Risk Acknowledgement Agreement (online trading) |
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