REQMRequirements Management
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A set of Scrum practices (user story, sprint planning, release planning, product backlog, retrospective and daily sprint meetings work breakdown structure, pre-game and post-game development phases, master phase and project execution phase) are mapped on selected CMMI level 2 goals (PP, REQM) and relevant conclusions are extracted.
"An important part of the REQM is that an assessor visits the school and talks to the learners about their experiences in RE.
Verifica-se que as especificares que consideram vetores autorregressivos para a equacao de estado com (DLNS/FK/VAR/Macro) e sem variaveis economicas (DLNS/FK/VAR) foram as que apresentaram menor REQM na maioria dos vertices.
The table shows four findings REQM-W-01, PP-W-01, PPW-02, and PP-S-01 where REQM-W-01 is an instance of the practice REQM SP 1.4 in Table 1 and PP-W-01, PP W-02, and PP-S-01 are instances of PP SP 1.1.
The assessment results of the REQM indicate that the capability level of the process is CL1 (Performed), not CL2.
O desempenho do modelo foi avaliado usando cinco parametros estatisticos: (1) Erro medio (EM); (2) Raiz do Erro Quadratico Medio (REQM); (3) Concordancia (d) (Willmott et al., 1985); (4) Coeficientes de correlacao (r) e de determinacao ([R.sup.2]) expressos por:
Newsome High School and Sports College was honoured with a gold national RE Quality Mark (REQM) award by the The Religious Education Council of England and Wales for its high quality learning programme.