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Related to REPP: repo
REPPRenewable Energy Policy Project
REPPRadiological Emergency Preparedness Program (US FEMA)
REPPResearch Evaluation and Policy Project (Australia)
REPPRural Economic Policy Program (est. 1985; The Aspen Institute)
REPPRape Education and Prevention Program (various locations)
REPPResearch in Education, Policy and Practice
REPPReusable Environmental Protective Pack
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"Normally, I don't scratch the prizes until I know I have a matching number," Repp said.
When the responses to his company's survey began to wane, Repp began offering movie tickets as an incentive to complete it.
Repp said her mother-in-law was a big influence, too.
The software will link with REPP's existing corporate systems and enable them to take advantage of customer data already in their web-based book catalogue solution, company websites and IBM AS/400 financial and order processing systems.
REPP is the UK's leading educational and professional book publisher.
Used in offshore pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico, the design allows the pipe to bend up to 18 inches without breaking, Repp said.
In court, Repp tried to prove that Webber had stolen his 1978 song, "Till You," and turned it into the "Phantom Song," a theme that runs throughout his 1985 "Phantom of the Opera."
In some studies, it has proved effective when used alone or with other procedures (e.g., Barton, Brulle, & Repp, 1986; DeCatanzo & Baldwin, 1978; Deitz, Repp, & Deitz, 1976; Dwinell & Connis, 1979; Lutzker, 1974; Myers, 1975; Repp, Barton, & Brulle, 1983; Repp, Deitz, & Speir, 1975; Tarpley & Schroeder, 1979).
Anchor, rhythmic lead track on their second album A Monument, is vast, haunting and yet intimate and highlights the tender but commanding voice of singer Corrina Repp. Named after a Bob Dylan song, raised in Indiana, but resident in Portland for 16 years, Repp is, with boyfriend Joe Haege, the band's main writer.
But an extraordinary thing happened: Repp's employees tired him and, because of their core values program, were able to save the company.
Songwriter Mr Ray Repp, a composer of religious songs and a Baltimore clothing salesman, claimed it was based on one of his.
In his first, informal survey, Repp recorded the sounds of 10 male and 10 female subjects clapping individually at their most comfortable rates.