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--Keith A Saunders, MBA, CEBS, REBC, CLU, ChFC, RHU, Certified Employee Benefit Specialist, Registered Employee Benefits Consultant
Ray Magnuson, JD, CLU, ChFC, RHU, REBC - (520) 760-6048 -
Bell, CLU, ChFC, CFP, MSFS, RHU, REBC, is past president of the Society of Financial Service Professionals, Newtown Square, Pa., as well as the Foundation for FSP.
Randall Hoover, ChFC, REBC, CLU, RHU, LIC, ACA, President of Hoover and Associates, was awarded the Lifetime Achievement award from the National Health Underwriters Association in 2010, for 10 consecutive years of professional excellence in the sale of health and disability income insurance and sales management.
Hoover, ChFC, REBC, CLU, RHU, and LIC, President at Hoover and Associates Financial Services will lead the discussion about expected changes, due to PPACA, in the coming years and how they will affect businesses.
To commemorate the milestone, Randy Hoover, ChFC, REBC, CLU, RHU, and LIC, President at Hoover and Associates Financial Services, Inc.
Hoover, ChFC, REBC, CLU, RHU, and LIC, President at Hoover and Associates Financial Services spoke at the Royal Oak Chamber of Commerce on July 10, 2013.