Also found in: Medical, Wikipedia.
RARSRaleigh Amateur Radio Society (Raleigh, NC)
RARSRobot Auto Racing Simulation (software)
RARSRefractory Anemia with Ringed Sideroblast (blood disorder)
RARSRatio Analysis of Reflectance Spectra
RARSReflux-Associated Respiratory Symptoms (gastroesophageal and respiratory medicine)
RARSReusable ADA Repository System
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The Training and Communication Wing of BARI at Gazipur organised the event participated by fifty field level officials of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) from all five districts of Rangpur agriculture region.Director of the Training and Communication Wing of BARI at Gazipur Agriculturist Zebun Nesa attended the workshop as the chief guest with its Chief Scientific Officer at RARS at Burirhat in Rangpur Agriculturist Dr.
Formed as Tonyrefail Transmitting Society between 1922 and 1923, it officially became RARS in 1953.
Three isotypes of retinoic acid receptors (RARs: RAR[alpha], RAR[beta] and RAR[gamma]) are receptors for retinoids such as all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) (Petkovich et al., 1987; Brand et al., 1988; Krust et al., 1989).
Analysis For each group, the mean and standard deviations pertaining to students' scores on the RARS were computed.
The proposal would also eliminate the use of the traditional RAR by combining it with the issuance of the 30-day letter and limit extensions of time for filing a protest.
Steady state levels of RARs are significantly higher than RXRs with RAR[beta] being the most abundant message expressed by scleral fibroblasts.
In Chart 1, we provide a scatter diagram of changes over a quarter in banks' RARs (pooled across banks and time periods) plotted against the lagged level of the RAR.
Chief Scientific Officer of RARS of BARI Md Rais Uddin Chowdhury attended the first event on 'Breeder Seed Production Technologies' as the chief guest on Thursday with its Principal Scientific Officer Dr Md Badiuzzaman in the chair.
Concededly, every delay contributes to a lack of currency, but in the experience of most TEI members, the primary focus of the IRS's currency initiative should be pre-Revenue Agent's Report (RAR), not post.
By utilizing more RAM and improvements in CPU the RAR compression speed in even single core mode CPU has been raised considerably.
RarSoft has released WinRAR 2.50, a Windows 9x/NT version of RAR, its archiver and archive manager product that can be used to handle RAR files as well as other files.