QERQos Edge Router
QERQuinte Exhibition and Raceway (Ontario, Canada)
QERQuarterly Economic Report
QERQualitative Equipment Requirements
QERQualification Evaluation Release
QERQuasi-Electric Response
QERQueensland Energy Resources Limited (Australia)
QERQuantitative Export Restraints
QERQuarterly Executive Review
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Based on Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) test as presented in Table 2, all variables are not normally distributed except for quality of Environmental reporting (QER) and shareholders' power (Sharepow).
e.g., QER, supra note 4, at 5-8 (discussing increased stress placed on rail transport system by increased shipments of oil and adverse effects on grain industry); Elarne Kub, Am.
The QER attempts to identify vulnerabilities in the system and proposes major policy recommendation and investments to replace, expand and modernize infrastructure where appropriate.
The uvular /q/ is common in loanwords from Arabic, Kurdish or (varieties of) Turkish (qala "door", "in front of", qaseq "spoon", qer "son") and also in the inherited lexicon (qala "black ", qayis "food").
The larger reality is that any energy independence plan proposed by any U.S, president--whether based on a QER or not--has as much a chance of coming to fruition as Washington's football Redskins have of getting into the Super Bowl.
Table 2 Correlations Between Scores on Questionnaires and Response Differences to Target versus Nontarget Objects as Well (is the Hit Rate ASGS ASGS QER index Participant 1 Participant 2 r (df) p r (df) p r (df) p dpHR -.033 (46) .588 -.225 (46) .938 -.315 (46) .985 dpEDA -.223 (44) .932 .025 (44) .435 -.150 (44) .840 dRLL -.182 (46) .217 .124 (46) .400 .132 (46) .370 dFPWL .014 (46) .924 .285 (46) .050 .241 (46) .098 Hit rate .012 (46) .468 .057 (46) .350 .064 (46) .333 Note.
Space type qeR koR [right arrow] [right arrow] [right arrow] [right arrow] qeR qeR
In the present corpus, recorded among the Bedouin in the Jagjag River area, the reflexes of * g are q and g, which appear irregularly in all positions, obviously as stylistic variants used in free variation, e.g., ger ~ qer, ganam ~ qanam, garb ~ qarb, gayab ~ qayab, gazu ~ qazu, gaba ~ qaba; in text XLVI, narrated by a young Sammariyye and recorded at al-Ya'rubiyya, the only reflex is g.
(43) The same is true of Peter Boxhall's two-part sketch in the Army Quarterly and Defence Journal.44 In terms of contextualizing the pictorial evidence for the history of English Tangier, Gillian Williams' brief survey of Wenceslaus (Qer. Wenzel, Cz.
Although there was no QER before project effectiveness, in early March 2001, an external QER was conducted at the request of the LAC Region.
Q t, ps v q kat:nwjdz & q o+ wevd tu q ist, & q rihz v @spnz alqh q tcr:s:z twihkld qer miri:d v bryt fes:z ;n flit & gl@nsih glim.
The QER Panel consisted of Daniel Ritchie (Chair), Michael