QENPQueen Elizabeth National Park (Uganda)
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In 2013, as part of a study of FMDV transmission between wildlife, especially African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), and domestic animals, 20 long-horned Ankole cattle ([approximately equal to] 6 months of age) were introduced as sentinel animals into Nyakatonzi (Kasese District), in close proximity to the QENP. At the time they were transported, these animals, originating from another area where FMD outbreaks had not been reported for =10 years, had no circulating antibodies against FMDV nonstructural proteins (NSPs) (measured by using the PrioCHECK FMDV NS ELISA kit [Prionics, Schlieren-Zurich, Switzerland]).
34 at 2 weeks after its introduction into the QENP. Antibodies against FMDV NSPs had developed in this animal (Table 1), and we detected high-titer antibodies against both FMDV SAT 1 and SAT 3 antigens using solid-phase blocking ELISAs (SPBEs) (Table 1); hence this calf simultaneously had FMDV RNA in the oropharynx and antibodies against FMDV in serum.