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PRISPower Rangers in Space (TV Show)
PRISPower Rangers in Space
PRISPower Reactor Information System (IAEA)
PRISPropofol Infusion Syndrome
PRISPhoenix Resource Interface System
PRISProject Records Information System
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It is to be noted that after the successful completion of the training, Manipur will be the first in India to have trained all EWRs in PRIs. ( ANI )
Lyes Boukhors (70 Kg) en lutte greco-romaine, Abdelmalek Merabat (63 Kg) et Amet Sadou (67 Kg) en lutte libre ont pris le bronze.
The opinion of health functionaries regarding PRIs is given in Table 5, which shows that the PRI members are providing help to the health personnel in the following areas: (I) Motivation of pregnant women for antenatal care and post-natal care; (ii) Motivation for immunization of children; (iii) Motivation for use of family planning methods; (iv) Monitoring of school health programmes and (iv) Monitoring of nutritional programmes in schools and anganwadi centers.
Gwelwyd gotyngiad aruthrol yn y pris sy'n dod i boced y ffermwr a bu cynnydd yn y costau cynhyrchu.
He cautioned that L3Cs were new structures and that the Internal Revenue Service was still considering unanswered tax questions related to PRIs and L3Cs.
Furthermore, collaboration between university, industry and the public sector has always been facing challenges when coming to commercialisation of PRI inventions because all PRIs commercialisations resemble heterogeneous pools of actors, each with its characteristics, purposes and structures.
The objectives of this retrospective descriptive study were to better define the incidence and demographics of PRIS in a level 1 trauma center and to identify the most significant risk factors for developing this condition and to further investigate a correlation between increasing triglyceride levels and duration of propofol infusion.
Rabat - Le ministre de l'Education nationale, Mohamed El Ouafa a categoriquement dementi, lundi, les informations faisant etat du transfert vers des institutions penitentiaires d'eleves pris en flagrant delit de tricherie lors des examens du baccalaureat, assurant que ces cas, qui sont au nombre de 1965, feront l'objet de mesures disciplinaires a caractere pedagogique.