(redirected from Print User Interface)
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PUIper User Install
PUIPrint User Interface
PUIParc User Interface
PUIPerson under Investigation
PUIPosting Under the Influence (usenet newsgroups)
PUIPredominantly Undergraduate Institution
PUIPlan d'Urgence Interne (French: Internal Emergency Plan)
PUIPerceptual User Interface
PUIPrimarily Undergraduate Institution(s)
PUIPokemon USA Inc. (Bellevue, WA)
PUIPARC User Interface (Ted Nelson)
PUIPilot Under Instruction
PUIPatient Understands Instructions
PUIProject Unique Identifier
PUIPolyurethane Intermediate
PUIPotentially Unwanted Installations (spyware)
PUIProgrammer-User Interface
PUIPack Up Items
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Other enhancements in the latest version include a revised, more efficient print user interface, improved PDF support, contextual menus and better colour management.