(redirected from Parlamentarisches Patenschaftsprogramm)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol (Internet) |
PPP | Purchasing Power Parity |
PPP | Public Private Partnership |
PPP | Pakistan Peoples Party |
PPP | People's Progressive Party (Guyana) |
PPP | Pixels par Pouce (French: Dots per Inch) |
PPP | Perros Potencialmente Peligrosos (Spanish: Potentially Hazardous Dogs) |
PPP | Pentose Phosphate Pathway (sugar metabolism) |
PPP | Plano Plurianual (Portuguese: Multi-Year Plan; Brazil) |
PPP | Platelet-Poor Plasma |
PPP | Plan Puebla Panamá (Spanish) |
PPP | Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna (Polish: Psychological and Educational Clinic) |
PPP | Partnerstwa Publiczno Prywatnego (Polish: Public-Private Partnership) |
PPP | PowerPoint Presentation |
PPP | Points per Possession (sports) |
PPP | Pearly Penile Papules (Hirsuties papillaris genitalis) |
PPP | Pure Power Plant (marijuana strain) |
PPP | Pole Pedal Paddle (sporting event; various locations) |
PPP | Preferred Provider Program (various organizations) |
PPP | Platinum Pied Pipers (band) |
PPP | Pianississimo (music; very soft volume) |
PPP | Pollution Prevention Plan |
PPP | Participatory Planning Process |
PPP | Prepayment Penalty |
PPP | Peak Pulse Power |
PPP | Primary Prevention Project (clinical study) |
PPP | Polska Partia Pracy (Polish: Polish Labour Party) |
PPP | Policies, Plans and Programs (various organizations) |
PPP | Personal Pension Plan (invesment; UK) |
PPP | Palestinian People's Party |
PPP | Polluter Pays Principle |
PPP | People Power Party (political group, Thailand) |
PPP | Pontos por Polegada (Portuguese: Dots per Inch) |
PPP | Precio Promedio Ponderado (Spanish: Weighted Average Price) |
PPP | Plant Protection Product |
PPP | Project, Program and Portfolio (management process) |
PPP | Policies, Programmes and Projects (various locations) |
PPP | Protocolo Punto a Punto (Spanish: Point-to-Point Protocol) |
PPP | Positive Parenting Program (various locations) |
PPP | Point to Point Protocol |
PPP | Prodrive Performance Package |
PPP | Platform for Privacy Preferences |
PPP | Page Plus Publication |
PPP | Puntos Por Pulgada (Spanish: Dots Per Inch) |
PPP | Popularly Positioned Products (Nestlé) |
PPP | Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (United Development Party, Indonesia) |
PPP | Per Pay Period |
PPP | Poultry Processing Plant |
PPP | Priority Placement Program |
PPP | Palestinian Public Perceptions (reports) |
PPP | Pay Per Performance |
PPP | Processes, Procedures and Policies (various companies) |
PPP | Programa Primeiros Projetos (Portuguese: First Projects Program; Brazil) |
PPP | Pier Paolo Pasolini (Italian director, 1922-1975) |
PPP | Potter Puppet Pals (website) |
PPP | Purdue Pesticide Programs (Indiana) |
PPP | Parlamentarisches Patenschaftsprogramm (Germany) |
PPP | Policy, Plan and Program |
PPP | Perfect Passive Participle |
PPP | ParaParaParadise (dance simulation game series) |
PPP | Plus Proche Parent (French: Next of Kin; Canada) |
PPP | Pusan Promotion Plan (South Korea) |
PPP | People, Places & Plants |
PPP | Private Placement Program (banking) |
PPP | Prohibited Personnel Practices |
PPP | Public Participation and Petitions (South Africa) |
PPP | Professional Protector Plan (dental liability insurance) |
PPP | Practice Practice Practice |
PPP | Prodrive Performance Pack (Subaru) |
PPP | Payment Protection Plan (credit card insurance program) |
PPP | Pollution Prevention Program |
PPP | Progressive People's Party |
PPP | Parent Partnership Program (various locations) |
PPP | Push Pull Power |
PPP | Premium Payment Plan (various organizations) |
PPP | Parallels Power Panel (software) |
PPP | Pacific Peoples' Partnership |
PPP | Pilot Proficiency Program (safety; various locations) |
PPP | Piano Pianissimo (music; played as softly as possible) |
PPP | Pixma Photo Printer (Canon) |
PPP | Premier Partner Program (various organizations) |
PPP | Passenger Protection Program (airline industry) |
PPP | Parti Progresif Penduduk (Malyasia) |
PPP | Program Protection Plan |
PPP | Passive Periphrastic |
PPP | Power Play Points (hockey) |
PPP | Programmable Power Processor |
PPP | Power Projection Platform |
PPP | Poly-Para-Phenylene |
PPP | Pagan Pride Project |
PPP | Preparation for the Professions Program (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching) |
PPP | Power Plant Posse |
PPP | Participle Perfect Passive (grammatical form) |
PPP | Pale Porcelain Princess (beauty/makeup forum slang) |
PPP | Performance Protection Plan (product performance) |
PPP | Parti Populaire des Putes (French: Popular Party of Prostitutes; Canada) |
PPP | Puff Puff Pass |
PPP | Premium Personal Password (Muzi) |
PPP | Public Papers of the Presidents |
PPP | Presence, Posture and Profile |
PPP | Parentes Pii Posuerunt (Latin: Pious Parents Have Built, epigraphy) |
PPP | Public Player Program (golf initiative; Canada) |
PPP | Penultimate Profit Prospect |
PPP | Personnel Protective Equipment |
PPP | Piss Poor Planning |
PPP | Partido del Poder del Pueblo (Indonesia) |
PPP | Piss Poor Protoplasm |
PPP | Product Protection Plan |
PPP | Preservation, Packaging, and Packing |
PPP | Personnel Performance Profile |
PPP | Pretty Pretty Pease |
PPP | Provincial Parliamentary Programme (South Africa) |
PPP | Pirkka-Pekka Petelius (Finnish comedian) |
PPP | Pre-Laboratory Preparation Period (also seen as PLPP) |
PPP | Press Photographers of the Philippines |
PPP | Partial Path Protection |
PPP | Poker Player Posse |
PPP | Pre-Authorized Payment Plan |
PPP | Pink Paula Pack (Firefox theme) |
PPP | Presbyterian Peacemaking Program |
PPP | Pueblo Panama Plan |
PPP | Product Planning Process (project management) |
PPP | Perfect Prom Project |
PPP | Percent Perfect Performance |
PPP | Paléontologie, Phylogénie et Paléobiologie (French: Paleontology, Phylogeny, and Paleobiology) |
PPP | Peripheral Pulses Palpable |
PPP | Prominent Point Processing |
PPP | Portable Phoenix Project |
PPP | Pälkäneen Putki Ja Puhallin |
PPP | Parish Pastoral Plan |
PPP | Party Puff People (Swedish band) |
PPP | Plan Particulier de Protection (French: Individual Protection Plan) |
PPP | Porcine Pleuropneumonia |
PPP | Premium Paintball Products |
PPP | Ping, Pipe, and Power (web hosting/data center slang) |
PPP | Peleliu Pacific Partnership (humanitarian assistance mission) |
PPP | Premium Price Policy |
PPP | Participium Perfectum Passivum (Latin) |
PPP | Pulse Power Protection |
PPP | Projected Promotion Potential |
PPP | Product Program Proposal |
PPP | Projects, Plans and Policy |
PPP | Partial Parity Protection |
PPP | Partenariats Publique-Privé (French: Public-private partnerships; Quebec, Canada government agency) |
PPP | Privatization Planning Panel |
PPP | Point Protocol Problem |
PPP | Pen, Paint & Pretzels |
PPP | Philosophy Politics and Psychology |
PPP | Pyramid Plate People (food hogging) |
PPP | Pilot Production Program |
PPP | Pose, Pause, Pounce (teaching strategy) |
PPP | Pre-fragmented Programmable Proximity fuzed round |
PPP | Possession of Paraphernalia |
PPP | Prepositioned Procurement Package |
PPP | Prepare, Prime, Paint |
PPP | Porcine Pneumonic Pasteurellosis |
PPP | Partido Popular Português |
PPP | People Process and Product |
PPP | Peter Pan Pool |
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