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PVAPolyvinyl Alcohol
PVAParalyzed Veterans of America
PVAProperty Valuation Administrator (assessor)
PVAPolyvinyl Acetate
PVAPlan van Aanpak (Dutch: Plan of Action)
PVAPopulation Viability Analysis
PVAPatterned Vertical Alignment (Samsung)
PVAPatterned Vertical Alignment
PVAPartial Vertical Alignment
PVAPositive Vorticity Advection
PVAPassenger Vessel Association (trade organization)
PVAPain Visual Analog
PVAPor Vida Academy (Texas)
PVAPotato Virus A
PVAPhone Verified Account
PVAPublic Viewing Areas (South Africa)
PVAPresent Value of an Annuity (also seen as PVANN)
PVAPreburner Valve Actuator (US NASA)
PVAPersonal Virtual Assistant (Conita)
PVAPark Village Apartments (Dallas, TX)
PVAPerforming Visual Arts
PVAPatient Visit Average (chiropractic patient calculation)
PVAPhotovoltaic Array
PVAPersonal Voice Assistant (various companies)
PVAPeople's Volunteer Army (Korean War)
PVAPresent Value Analysis
PVAProfessional Virtual Assistant
PVAPublic Vessels Act (US)
PVAPosterior Vestibular Artery (cardiology)
PVAPeople Value Added
PVAPort Vulnerability Assessment
PVAPublic Vehicular Area
PVAPrivate VoIP Applications
PVAPollination Variant Astringent
PVAProject Validation Assessment
PVAProduit À Valeur Ajoutée
PVAPulse Volume Amplitude
PVAPolymerized Vinyl Acrylic
PVAPartitioned Viterbi Algorithm
PVAPassionnés de Véhicules Anciens (French: Passion for Vintage Vehicles; automobile association)
PVAPortable Vehicle Analyzer
PVAProduction Verification Audit
PVAProcess Validation Enterprise
PVAPreferred Vendor Assessment
PVAPhysical-Virtual Association
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References in periodicals archive ?
The measures consisted of tissue blood flow (BF), average pain intensity over the 10 centimeter pain visual analog scales (VAS), and pain thresholds including thermal pain threshold [cold pain threshold (CPT) and heat pain threshold (HPT)], and pressure pain threshold (PPT).
In addition, the PTH-treated patients showed bigger and faster improvements on a pain visual analog scale and on the timed Up and Go functional assessment, reported Dr.
"So we designed, out of a bit of despair, another kind of scale taken from the pain visual analog scale that says distress is something the patient and the clinician can point to," said Dr.
Hip pain visual analog scale (VAS) scores and Harris hip scores were significantly improved by surgery, Dr.
The researchers used the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI), a validated self-report questionnaire, to assess the primary outcomes and also administered the pain visual analog scale (VAS), Short Form 36, and Measure Yourself Medical Outcomes Profile.
Inclusion criteria were a diagnosis of chronic gouty arthritis for at least 6 months, at least one active joint for a minimum of 4 weeks, and a self-reported pain visual analog scale WAS) of 3 or higher.
"The best we could do was get 60% of patients to have a 10-mm improvement on the pain visual analog scale, which isn't by any means a high threshold.
The primary study end point was change in mean pain visual analog scores recorded by patients in a daily pain diary.