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PIEPartners in Education
PIEProgress in Industrial Ecology (journal; Inderscience Publishers)
PIEPartners in Employment (disabilities)
PIEPrevention, Intervention and Enforcement (crime fighting)
PIEParent Involvement in Education (various locations)
PIEPharmaceuticals in the Environment (various organizations)
PIEProto-Indo European (linguistics)
PIEPlatform for Information Exchange
PIEPlastics Information Europe (publication)
PIEPersuade, Inform, Entertain (writing)
PIEPan Island Expressway (Singapore)
PIEPartners in Enterprise (various locations)
PIEPacific Image Electronics (various locations)
PIEPlanning and Institutional Effectiveness (various schools)
PIEPlug-In Extension (software)
PIEPunkt Informacji Europejskiej (Polish: European Information Point)
PIEPose, Illumination, and Expression (face recognition database)
PIEPublic Interest Entity (various locations)
PIEPublication in Engineering
PIEProcess Interface Electronics
PIEPortfolio Investment Entity
PIEPielaveden (Finnish)
PIEPhoto Imaging Expo
PIEPulmonary Interstitial Emphysema (medical)
PIEProgram Information Exchange (various organizations)
PIEPartners in Excellence (customer-satisfaction program instituted by ARI leasing/fleet management company)
PIEPacific Internet Exchange (San Francisco, CA)
PIEPrison Industry Enhancement (programs)
PIEPacific Intercultural Exchange (San Diego, CA)
PIEPerformance Image Exposure (career succss)
PIEPost-Irradiation Examination
PIEPoint Info Energie (French: Info Point Energy)
PIEPublic Issues Education
PIEPersistent Identification Element
PIEPanasonic Industrial Europe GmbH (Panasonic Europe Ltd.)
PIEPacific Intermountain Express
PIEPublic Internet Exchange (various locations)
PIEPrice in Effect
PIEProcess Improvement Experiment
PIEPersonal Information Environment
PIEPre-Installation Environment (computer operating system environment)
PIEPeriod of Initial Eligibility (insurance)
PIEPresence, Identity and Edge Resources (peer to peer computing)
PIEProject Import Export, Inc. (furniture; Miami, FL)
PIEPeripheral Interrupt Expansion
PIEPulsed Irrigation Evacuation (enema)
PIEPride in Excellence
PIEPrivate Internet Exchange
PIEPolymorphism, Inheritance, Encapsulation
PIEPostulated Initiating Event
PIEPeer Integration Exchange
PIEPackage Installation Envelopes (Cisco)
PIEParticle Impact Experiment
PIEPlatform for International Education (Netherlands)
PIEProtocol Information Element
PIEPermanent Intermittent Employee
PIEFederación de la Plataforma de los Independientes de España
PIEParking Industry Exhibition and Conference
PIEPsychological Impacts and Effects
PIEPulmonary Infiltrates with Eosinophils (lung disorder)
PIEPropagation, Infection, Execution (computer security)
PIEPersonal Incidental Expenditure
PIEProductivity Integrated Environment
PIEPolicy and Information Encyclopedia
PIEProblems, Issues & Expectations (Analysis)
PIEPulse Interference Elimination
PIEPartitioned/Programmable Interface Equipment
PIEPhoto-Ionization Efficiency (spectroscopy)
PIEPolicy Issuance Entry (Queue - Insurance)
PIESt Petersburg/Clearwater, FL, USA - St Petersburg/Clearwater International (Airport Code)
PIEParlamento Indio Estatal (Spanish: Indian State Parliament; Mexico)
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References in classic literature ?
Ribby in the meantime had received Duchess's answer, and as soon as she was sure that the little dog would come--she popped HER pie into the oven.
pie of the most delicate and tender mouse minced up with bacon.
When she came back, she peeped into the bottom oven; the pie looked very comfortable.
"I trust that is not that Pie: the spoons are locked up, however," said Ribby.
But there was nobody there Ribby opened the bottom oven door with some difficulty, and turned the pie. There began to be a pleasing smell of baked mouse!
"It is a very odd thing that Ribby's pie was NOT in the oven when I put mine in!
"To speak soothly," replied Robin gaily, "'twas that same pie that led me to be rude.
With a sigh, we turned our eyes once more towards the spot where Harris and the pie had last been seen on earth; and there, as our blood froze in our veins and our hair stood up on end, we saw Harris's head - and nothing but his head - sticking bolt upright among the tall grass, the face very red, and bearing upon it an expression of great indignation!
And out of the middle of the earth, as it seemed to us, rose the pie - very much mixed up and damaged; and, after it, scrambled Harris - tumbled, grubby, and wet.
He had been sitting, without knowing it, on the very verge of a small gully, the long grass hiding it from view; and in leaning a little back he had shot over, pie and all.
"Yes," said George, "I says to him, `Tom, you ought to see some of Aunt Chloe's pies; they're the right sort,' says I."
Ye see, there's pints in all pies, Mas'r George; but tan't everybody knows what they is, or as orter be.