Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is proposed as a superior deposition technology over
PECVD. ALD does produce high-quality films at a lower thinness although the low thinness can limit extrinsic performance despite high intrinsic barrier values.
A semi-industrial scale batch coating system has been used in this study, based on plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (
PECVD) technique using radiofrequency (RF) source.
Thomson, "Characterisation and optimisation of
PECVD SiNx as an antireflection coating and passivation layer for silicon solar cells," AIP Advances, vol.
Andrulevicius et al., "A study of stacked
PECVD silicon nitride films used for surface micromachined membranes", Thin Solid Films, vol.
Atmospheric pressure chemical vapour deposition (APCVD) [8], plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (
PECVD) [9], sputtering [10], wet anodic oxidation [11-14], liquid phase deposition (LPD) [15], and sol-gel [16] are few of the low temperature thin film deposition techniques.
MEMS uses lithography in its manufacture, but it is process steps like Bosch DRIE,
PECVD, and multi-chamber sputtering systems which allow for finely controlled patterning, layering, etching and bonding.
As an established leader in China's thin-film solar sector, Hanergy Solar announced on 10 June that it completed a systemic upgrading of the tandem silicon-germanium production line under its Fab 2.0 Program, following two other breakthroughs since 2012, namely the upgrading of its
PECVD manufacturing process, and the integration and upgrading in technology and equipment of turn-key production lines.
These films can be obtained through plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (
PECVD) (6-8).
Such a solar cell is created using an expensive piece of equipment called a
PECVD reactor and the end result is something flat with little flexibility.
They describe popular plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (
PECVD) low-k materials, with an emphasis on mechanisms of chemical reactions occurring during the deposition and ultraviolet curing; plasma and wet processing developed for integration of low-k materials, including the reactions mechanisms and degradation of low-k materials during exposure in oxidative ambient; and copper electroplating for on-chip metallization.