PECCSPrince Edward Child Care Services (Canada)
PECCSPrisoner Escort and Courtroom Custodial Services (New Zealand)
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PECCS have a policy against admitting patients under the influence of alcohol or drugs because their toxicology must be assessed and stabilised before their psychological state can be established.
We are still a long way from being in a position we accept as our minimum standard, and even further away from having the first rural PECC Unit, but with the continued assistance and support of the NSWNA--especially from OHS Officer Trish Butrej--I am confident we will get there.'
Tony Lochead, NUM of the ED at The Tweed Hospital, would like to have a PECC attached to his department.
However, Barbara Daly, NUM of the ED at Prince of Wales Hospital, is disappointed with the lack of communication and co-operation with the PECC there.
The Children's Home of Pittsburgh also operates Child's Way[R], which opened in 1998 as Pennsylvania's first licensed prescribed pediatric extended care center (PECC).
To assess peer influence, the subscales (8 items) of the PECCS assessing children's perceptions of the pupil initiated motivational climate were employed.