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ODFOpenDocument Format (OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications)
ODFOregon Department of Forestry
ODFOpen Door Forum (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; US DHHS)
ODFOptical Distribution Frame
ODFOrally Dissolving Film (pharmaceuticals)
ODFObject Development Framework
ODFOpen Document Format
ODFObservation Data Format
ODFOpen Document Part Framework
ODFObject Description Format
ODFObject Definition File
ODFOmar Dengo Foundation (Costa Rica)
ODFOrientation Distribution Function (crystallography)
ODFOsteoclast Differentiation Factor
ODFOlympic Data Feed (International Olympic Committee)
ODFOrbit Data File
ODFOutside Diameter Female (engineering)
ODFOperation Deep Freeze
ODFOuter Dense Fiber (protein)
ODFOpen Document Fellowship (computing)
ODFOne Drop Filling
ODFOperations Data File
ODFOpen Document Foundation (est. 2002)
ODFObject Distribution Facility
ODFOpen Data Foundation
ODFOrbit Determination Facility
ODFOut 'der Flappin
ODFOrdering & Distribution Facility
ODFOmani Defence Forces (Oman)
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References in periodicals archive ?
The axoneme is enwrapped by 9 bundles of equidistant and equicoarse outer dense fiber (ODF) that parallel the axoneme and extend into the tail.
She said, 'It helps in stiffening of outer dense fibers by formation of disulfide bridges or strong bonding protein molecules during sperm maturation, which is an essential step for generation of sperm motility, especially progressive motility as shown in the study.' Zinc deficiency affects sperm production, maturation and motility, as well as fertilizing capacity of the active matured sperm cells, the study said.