OG1 liver samples showed hepatic tissue with almost intact architecture; however focal area portal tract showed proliferation of bile duct.
Opinion giving Opinion seeking Communality
OG1 .491 -.262 .310 OG2 .816 .167 .693 OG3 .838 .220 .750 OG4 .784 .219 .662 OG5 .858 .246 .796 OG6 .830 .282 .768 OS1 .155 .797 .659 OS2 .200 .752 .605 OS3 .159 .803 .670 OS4 .130 .770 .609 OS5 .116 .806 .663 OS6 .100 .825 .691 Table 2.
According to ORBCOMM, its OG2 satellites are far more advanced than its current
OG1 satellites and are designed to provide customers with significant enhancements, such as faster message delivery, larger message sizes and better coverage at higher latitudes, while drastically increasing network capacity.
Trials were sown in 1992 (SB2), 1997 (SW1, OG2, and SB3), 1998 (SW2,
OG1, SB1, and HW), or 1999 (SW3).
Satellite thrust manoeuvres have been completed to equally position five of the OG2 satellites within their plane (now referred to as Plane K) to provide optimum coverage and fill the gap in the existing
OG1 constellation.