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OFAOther Federal Agencies
OFAOld Farmers' Almanac (weather predictions)
OFAOptical Fiber Amplifier
OFAOffice for the Arts (Harvard University; Cambridge, MA)
OFAOrganizing for Action
OFAOptimal Flexible Architecture
OFAOrphan Foundation of America
OFAOrthopedic Foundation for Animals
OFAOpportunity for Advancement (Toronto, Canada)
OFAOhrid Framework Agreement (est. 2001)
OFAOffice for the Aging
OFAObama for America
OFAOrganizing for America (Barack Obama task force)
OFAOhio Fire Academy (est. 1978)
OFAOffice of Finance and Administration (DOC/NOAA)
OFAOntario Federation of Agriculture
OFAOver Fire Air
OFAOpportunities for Access
OFAOffice of Family Assistance
OFAOracle Fusion Application (software)
OFAOracle Financial Analyser
OFAOracle Fusion Architecture
OFAOracle Fusion Applications
OFAOrder for Arrest (criminal justice)
OFAOffice of Federal Activities
OFAOccupational First Aid
OFAOracle Flexible Architecture
OFAOnline Forward Auction
OFAOptics First Aid (kit)
OFAOntario Forestry Association (Canada)
OFAOita Football Association (Japan)
OFAOperational Field Assessment
OFAOffice of Fiscal Administration
OFAOntario Fencing Association
OFAOrganization of Flying Adjusters
OFAOil-Free Air
OFAOntario Film Association (Canada)
OFAObstacle Free Area (airfield term)
OFAOperation Foxhole Atheists
OFAOffice of Flight Assurance
OFAOrthogonal Field Alternation
OFAOklahoma Forestry Association
OFAOut Fooling Around
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References in periodicals archive ?
While the OFA first division comprises 14 clubs, the second division consists of the remaining 16 clubs.
Dr Ofa cited the over 1, 000 kilometres of roads across the three senatorial districts, the prudent management of the state's resources, the empowerment of youths and women as some of the key areas that the Okowa administration did well in the past four years.
The Minister of Sports Affairs highlighted the efforts made by OFA
Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister in charge ofA economic policy Ekaterina Zaharieva A will headA the Energy Board.
In his response, Al Sdi defended the action, saying the entity was formed up in line with a resolution adopted by OFA's General Assembly.
Joining together behind the national colour red, as the Red WarriorsEoACAO battle with the Samarai Blue, the OFA and National Team key partner Oman Air are asking fans to Support the Shirt by Painting The Town Red this November EoACAo proudly wearing Omani red throughout the month and especially on match day.
Following theA transfer Cable and Wireless plc holds a total ofA 29,645,671A ordinary shares in its treasury.
The new partnership will be an ongoing one, says David Roussy, president and CEO of TSC Stores, as the OFA looks for ways to add value for its members.
The Seminar, which had been held annually since 1975 in such tranquil locations as Niagara-on-the-Lake and Geneva Park, a convention centre on Lake Simcoe, was owned and operated by an organization of high-school teachers known as the Ontario Film Association (OFA).
The Ontario Forestry Association (OFA), for example, continues to educate and help land owners manage their properties in a responsible and environmental manner.