(redirected from Noise At Work Regulations 1989)
NAWRNoise At Work Regulations 1989 (UK)
NAWRNorth American Welsh Room (est. 1998)
NAWRNorth Alabama Wildlife Rehabilitators (Huntsville, AL)
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
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Under the Noise At Work Regulations 1989, employers must find out what problems they have and consider ways of reducing them.
The regulations replace the existing Noise at Work Regulations 1989 for all industries in Great Britain except music and entertainment, which have until April 2008 to comply.
The existing law is the "Noise at Work Regulations 1989" which detail the responsibility of employers regarding noise in the workplace.
This Directive (2003/10/EC) repealed the existing 1986 Noise Directive (86/188/EEC), which had been implemented in the UK by the Noise at Work Regulations 1989.