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NASNetwork Attached Storage
NASNational Academy of Sciences
NASNaval Air Station
NASNew American Standard (bible version)
NASNetwork Access Server
NASNetworked Attached Storage
NASNational Airspace System
NASNational Autistic Society (UK)
NASNorwegian Air Shuttle (Norwegian commercial air carrier)
NASNational Association of Scholars
NASNaval Air Squadron (UK)
NASNatural and Applied Sciences (various universities)
NASNuméro d'Assurance Sociale
NASNorth American Stainless (various locations)
NASNational Account Services (various companies)
NASNagly Atak Spawacza (Polish: Suden Attack)
NASNeonatal Abstinence Syndrome (narcotics withdrawal problems)
NASNational Archives of Scotland
NASNetwork Area Storage
NASNon Ansi Standard
NASNbma Arp Server
NASNetwork Audio System
NASNeeds Assessment Survey (various organizations)
NASNASA Advanced Supercomputing
NASNon-Access Stratum (3GPP)
NASNational Accreditation Standards (Australia)
NASNumerical Aerodynamic Simulation
NASNational Aerospace Standard (Department of Defense)
NASNarcotics Affairs Section (US Embassy)
NASNetwork Accessible Storage
NASNew American Schools
NASNetwork Application Support
NASNorth American Specification (cars manufactured for North American market)
NASNational American School
NASNetscape Application Server
NASNumerical Aerospace Simulation
NASNo Added Salt (dietary)
NASNaval Audit Service (US Navy)
NASNational Advanced Systems
NASNetwork Automation System (software)
NASNon-Caloric Artificial Sweetener
NASNetwork Attached Servers
NASNatural American Spirit (tobacco brand)
NASNetwork Access System (Sprint)
NASNarrowband Area Service (Australia)
NASNorthern Aral Sea (project)
NASNetwork Analysis System (Alcatel)
NASNational Automation Services (Nevada)
NASNot a Sentence (editing)
NASNetworking Architecture and Storage (IEEE International Conference)
NASNon-Availability Statement
NASNational Airports System (Canada)
NASNerve Attenuation Syndrome (fictional disease)
NASNative American Spirit
NASNew Attack Submarine
NASNetwork Administration System
NASNational Aircraft Standard
NASNikon Acquisition Syndrome (slang; urge to buy Nikon equipment or accessories)
NASNetwork Access Switch
NASNational Audubon Society, Inc.
NASNassau, Bahamas - Nassau International Airport (Airport Code)
NASNational Accessibility Scheme
NASNational Association of Seadogs
NASNetWare Access Services (Novell)
NASNational Asthma Survey
NASNational Arts Strategy (various organizations)
NASNational Achievement Scholars
NASNigerian Academy of Sciences
NASNaval Amphibious School
NASNorth Aegean Sea
NASNumerical and Atmospheric Sciences Network
NASNext Action Star (TV Show)
NASNew Accession States
NASNeuroanaesthesia Society (Birmingham, UK)
NASNarcotics Assistance Section
NASNew Associated States
NASNAS Area Supervisor (FAA)
NASNon Aliter Specificatus (Latin: Not Further Specified)
NASNuclear Assembly System
NASNaval Auxiliary Ship
NASNational Acceptance Scheme for CPDW (EU)
NASNode Avionics Simulator
NASNarrow Band Acquisition Qualifier Subsystem
NASNational Aerodynamic Simulator
NASNORAD Alerting System
NASNeed Analysis Servicer (US Department of Education)
NASNational Airspace Study
NASNonaccelerating Securities
NASNozzle Actuating System
NASNBMA (Non-Broadcast Multiple Access) ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Server
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References in periodicals archive ?
As stage 1, the Alliance will release NetDynamics 5.01 and Netscape Application Server (NAS) 4.0 in the next few months.