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NTRNitro (Nintendo DS codename)
NTRNon Tax Revenue (various locations)
NTRNormal Trade Relations (international economic term; Most Favored Nation, MFN)
NTRNew to Range
NTRNational Trail Raceway (Ohio)
NTRNon-Traditional Revenue
NTRNational Toll Roads (Ireland)
NTRNuclear Thermal Rocket
NTRNeed to Run (manufacturing facilities)
NTRNothing To Report
NTRNetwork for Translational Research (various locations; cancer research)
NTRNet Transmit & Receive (technology company; Spain)
NTRNetwork Traffic Redirection
NTRNational Trauma Registry (Canada)
NTRNouvelles Télé-Radio
NTRNational Toxics Rule
NTRNon-Transportation-Related (facilities)
NTRNetwork Time Reference
NTRNormal Tariff Rate (India)
NTRNandamuri Taraka Ramarao (Indian celebrity)
NTRNetorare (Japanese: Cuckold)
NTRNandamuri Taraka Ramarao (actor)
NTRNetworks that Run, Inc. (Malden, MA)
NTRNarrow Therapeutic Range
NTRNet Time Reference
NTRNotice To Reader
NTRNuclear Test Reactor
NTRNavy Technical Representative
NTRNoise-Temperature Ratio
NTRNine Thousand Remote
NTRNon-Tactical Radio
NTRNational Transport Rotocraft
NTRNo Traffic Reported
NTRNormal Tax Rate (economics)
Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
There was no need to run. I am neither frightened nor yet fascinated, like that poor woman who received me so strangely."
Will politicians please be honest and say how much subsidy will HS2 need to run this service.
FinanceME has undergone an editorial revamp over the last 12 months, introducing new exciting sections designed to give SMEs all the information they need to run a successful business and learn from those who have already grown their businesses from small start-ups to large corporations.
Naek has underlined the need to run the House proceeding in accordance with the established parliamentary norms and procedures.
We need to run chancers and hoaxers like this off the internet.
The firm is piloting a "basic shift manager" course, which will train staff in everything they need to run a McDonald's outlet, from marketing to human resources and customer service skills.
"Through this calendar year we have a set plan of tests that we need to run to determine whether we're moving in the right direction," said Denise Gray, GM's director of hybrid energy storage systems.
The Telkonet Smart Energy system measures the amount of energy generated from solar panels mounted on the property's roof towers and, using the Telkonet iWire System[TM], it transports the collected data over the building's internal electrical wiring, eliminating the need to run costly dedicated cabling.
"You need to run analytics that are thinking about a four-year period or more" in which options may be in question, he says.
We don't need to control all of the assets, and we don't even need to run all of the service.