NYMIRNew York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal (Colonie, NY)
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Before NYSIR and NYMIR were started twenty years ago, relationship were often adversarial between insurers who sought to deny or limit coverage for their unilateral profit, and public entities unprepared to take responsibility for risk management and risk transfer beyond bidding out and buying their insurance from the least expensive carrier.
For participating school districts and municipalities, the success of NYMIR and NYSIR has also resulted in some return on their invested capital.
The team at Wright Risk has been an essential component in our effort to provide New York's public schools with the finest insurance program available." NYMIR's executive director, Kevin Crawford adds that, "having Wright Risk Management as NYMIR's management company has allowed the three municipal associations of New York (NYCOM, NYSAC and the Association of Towns) to deliver the quality of service that their memberships have come to expect."
Bob Lulley, who heads our NYSIR management team, and Brian Custer who heads our NYMIR management team, have done a great job of not only working with the regulators but also of coordinating the efforts of producers, reinsurers, actuaries, auditors, defense counsel and investigators.
"It is important that NYMIR be able to offer full faith and credit surety bonds.