(redirected from NIPS Augmentation Package)
Category filter:
NAPNetwork Access Protection (Microsoft)
NAPNapa (Amtrak bus station code; Napa, CA)
NAPNational Academy Press
NAPNetwork Access Point
NAPNational Academies Press
NAPNot A Problem
NAPNational Action Plan (various locations)
NAPName, Address, Phone Number
NAPNew Archery Products (various locations)
NAPNap-Of-The-Earth (avionics)
NAPNational Adaptation Plan (UN)
NAPNaval Aviation Pilot (US Navy)
NAPNursing Assistant Program (various locations)
NAPNoninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (USDA)
NAPNikkei Asia Prize (Japan)
NAPNational Aerial Photography
NAPNationale Auto Pas (Dutch)
NAPNursing Assistive Personnel
NAPNational Academies of Practice (Lexington, KY)
NAPNuisance Attribute Projection
NAPNon-Aggression Pact
NAPNetwork Attachment Points
NAPNew Artist Program
NAPNetwork Availability Program
NAPNetwork Accessibility Project
NAPNetwork Access Protection
NAPNetwork Attached Peripheral
NAPNational Attachment Point
NAPNetwork Analysis and Planning
NAPNear As Possible (as in NAP of the Earth flying)
NAPNative Americans in Philanthropy (est. 1990)
NAPNetwork Access Provider
NAPNon-Aggression Principle
NAPNational Agriculture Policy (various locations)
NAPNormal Atmospheric Pressure
NAPNuisance Abatement Program (various locations)
NAPNaval Auxiliary Patrol
NAPNorthern Adelaide Plains (Australia)
NAPNational Allocation Plan (EU emissions trading schemes)
NAPNational Apprenticeship Programme (various locations)
NAPNormaal Amsterdams Peil
NAPNucleosome Assembly Protein
NAPNational Association of Parliamentarians
NAPNational Advantage Program (insurance)
NAPNetwork Access Protocol
NAPNational AIDS Program
NAPNew Alliance Party (Cook Islands)
NAPNatural Areas Program
NAPNew Access Point (US Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Primary Health Care)
NAPNgee Ann Polytechnic (Singapore)
NAPNational Action Party (political party in Mexico)
NAPNck-Associated Protein
NAPNew Aspiration Party (Thailand)
NAPNational Accreditation Program (ANSI term)
NAPNeeds Assessment Plan (various organizations)
NAPNative American Practicioner
NAPNational Account Profile
NAPNieuw Amsterdams Peil (Dutch point for altitude measurements)
NAPNeighborhood Action Plan
NAPNational AIDS Prevention
NAPNational Afforestation Programme (India)
NAPNorth American Pairs (bridge game)
NAPNational Processing Inc (stock symbol)
NAPNon-Insured Assistance Program
NAPNeighborhood Arts Program (Chicago, IL)
NAPNerve Action Potential
NAPNeeds Assessment Profile (various organizations)
NAPNatural Area Preserves
NAPNational Anthem Project
NAPNichtangriffspakt (German: Non-Aggression Pact)
NAPNational Aerospace Plane
NAPNon-Arboreal Pollen
NAPNew Americans Program (Queens Borough Public Library, New York City)
NAPNational Airports Policy (Canada)
NAPNew Age Piano (website)
NAPNetwork Architecture Protection
NAPNative Access Program (Lakehead University; Canada)
NAPNaval Air Priorities (US Navy)
NAPNaples, Italy - Capodichino (Airport Code)
NAPNetwork Applications Platform (Unisys)
NAPNorth American Partners (Florida)
NAPNo Additional Printings (book publishing)
NAPNo Apparent Pathology (medical records)
NAPNavigation Analysis Program (US NASA)
NAPNational Awareness Partners
NAPNew Annualized Premium (insurance industry)
NAPNuevo Amanecer Press (information service)
NAPNew Audiences Programme (Arts Council England; UK)
NAPNon-Airborne Personnel
NAPNuclear Auxiliary Power
NAPNeo-Natal Automated Physiotherapy
NAPNative American Pride
NAPNorfolk Assembly Plant
NAPNCEP Advisory Panel
NAPNaval Advisory Panel
NAPNot Authorized POMCUS
NAPNuclear Aggregate of Polyamines
NAPNetwork Administration Processor
NAPNIPS Augmentation Package
NAPNaval Aviation/Air Plan
NAPNuclear Aggregates of Polyamines
NAPNon-Compliant Application Proxy
NAPNon-Nuclear Armament Plan
NAPNo Acronyms Please
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