PARATYPEs 16 males, 7 females, 32 immatures same data as holotype (FSCA, MZSP,
NHMB, dry and slide mounted, 70% ethanol).
(14) La Noria (UTM 0528272 / 9471158, altitude 60 m JNMF with GPS): One male collected 16 December 1956 and one female collected 24 September 1958 by Walter Markl and held by the
NHMB. Searches in the area by JNMF have not relocated the species.
Now we see the alternative - a lifetime condemned to renting - fills most with dread," says
NHMB chairman David Pretty "Even if renting is seen as a worst-case scenario for many people, there seems to be an assumption that renting will still somehow be affordable in the future.
Type specimen.--Holotype male, El Pozon, Falcon, Venezuela (12[degrees]05'N, 69[degrees]59'W) (
NHMB 2262-a), examined.
A spokesman for the
NHMB said: "Housebuilders of all sizes are taking part in New Homes Week 2006 and it's a great opportunity for people to learn about new homes and the real lifestyle benefits they offer."
In addition, Katrina Randlett has been promoted to learning and development officer at
"A recent YouGov survey for
NHMB shows 9 out of 10 still believe home ownership is a great investment.
The vast majority of Britons still want to invest in homes of their own despite the current economic situation, according to a new YouGov survey commissioned for the New Homes Marketing Board (
THE New Homes Marketing Board (
NHMB) will be launching a leaflet as part of New Homes Week (March 20-26) to demonstrate the benefits of buying a new-build property.