NEIPPNew England Institute of Professional Photography
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Correspondence should be addressed to Cristian Neipp;
The ratings however, continue to remain constrained by the relatively short track record of the company with informal management set up, dependence on single product, volatility in the raw material & finished goods prices, withdrawal of various benefits under North East Industrial & Investment Promotion Policy (NEIPP) from the current year, substantial dependence on the fortunes of the aluminium industry and dominance of large players - both on the demand as well as on the supply fronts.
En la actualidad se tiene evidencia cientifica que indica que los pacientes con cancer experimentan niveles significativamente altos de distres emocional en el momento del diagnostico inicial, de la recurrencia del tumor y durante el estado terminal de la enfermedad (Cella, Mahon & Donovan, 1999; Frojd, Larsson, Lampic & von Essen, 2007; Juan et al., 2003; Neipp, Lopez-Roig, Terol & Pastor Mira, 2008; Zabora, 1998).
Asi por ejemplo, en otras enfermedades cronicas como el cancer, el VIH o el dolor cronico, las investigaciones han puesto de manifiesto como el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento activo se relacionan con una mejor adaptacion en estos pacientes (Carrobles, Remor & Rodriguez-Alzamora, 2003; Padierna y cols., 2004; Pastor & cols., 2000; Rodriguez, Esteve, Lopez, 2000; Rodriguez-Marin, Terol, Lopez-Roig, Martin-Aragon, Neipp & Pastor, 2003).
A 1985 study by Neipp and Zeckhauser finds considerable persistence in individuals' choice of health insurance plans.
Finally, for workers moving to or from a managed care plan, changing jobs may require changing physicians, which also entails transition costs and may lead to a less desirable physician-patient match (Neipp and Zeckhauser 1985).