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NEEANorthwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (Portland, Oregon)
NEEANational Energy Efficiency Agency (est. 2006; Ministry of Minerals and Energy; South Africa)
NEEANational Education Examination Authority (China)
NEEANational Estuarine Eutrophication Assessment (joint initiative)
NEEANew England Energy Alliance (Boston, MA)
NEEANational Environmental Education Act of 1990
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Initial research was made available through the BetterBricks program of the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) with support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and the Kresge Foundation.
The judge also ruled Ben Ali and his wife would have to pay fines totalling 91 million Tunisian dinars in the case nEeA 23004 related to the Palace of Sidi Dhrif.
O ensaio foi realizado no Nucleo Experimental de Engenharia Agricola (NEEA), pertencente a Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Parana--Campus de Cascavel, em um solo classificado conforme Embrapa (1999), como Latossolo Vermelho distroferrico, com relevo plano e textura argilosa.
The research project began in 2007 when the IDL secured funding from the BetterBricks program, an energy-efficiency initiative of the nonprofit Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA).
Differential flower herbivory and gall formation on males and females of Neea psychotrioides, a dioecious tree.
Otros trabajos aluden a estudios particulares sobre especies (dioicas), tal es el caso de Neea psychotroides sobre la variacion intersexual en la herbivoria de flores y formacion de agallas (Wofle 1997).
Members of NEEA include a dozen regional utilities, the Energy Trust of Oregon and the Bonneville Power Administration.