Jane Ward, a board member for
NAYT and director of the youth group, says: "It is really brilliant that we are able to host this event at the Arts Centre.
NAYT is the flagship organisation for English youth theatre, providing support, training and participation programmes for youngsters aged 11 to 25.
Jazz, rythmes manouches...Cote featurings (duo), Le trio suedois Gustav Lundgren s'est produit avec Joe Batouryet Karima
Nayt, sur des titres comme [beaucoup moins que]Bania[beaucoup plus grand que], [beaucoup moins que]Sadiye[beaucoup plus grand que] et [beaucoup moins que]Assez moi de toi[beaucoup plus grand que].
In addition to his all of these projects, Salama has collaborated with miscellaneous internationally acclaimed musicians such as Cuban band Cubanason, Norwegian Saxophone player Trygve Seim, Italian composer Eugenio Bennato, Algerian singer and dancer Karima
Nayt and, most famously, Senegalese singer Youssou N'Dour.