(redirected from Member of Management)
Category filter:
MOMMessage Oriented Middleware
MOMPlease Wait A Moment
MOMManagement Object Model
MOMMicrosoft Operations Manager (Microsoft)
MOMMoment (Augenblick)
MOMMission of Mercy (various locations)
MOMMan of the Match
MOMMind Over Matter (NIDA youth drug abuse program)
MOMMinistry of Manpower (Singapore)
MOMMothers of Multiples
MOMMan on a Mission
MOMMethod of Manufacture
MOMMomentary (electronic switches)
MOMMessage-Oriented Middleware
MOMMonth over Month (finance)
MOMMars Orbiter Mission (Indian Space Research Organization)
MOMMary Our Mother (religion)
MOMManagement, Operations and Maintenance (various organizations)
MOMMysterious Origins of Man (archeology TV show)
MOMMaintenance of Membership (various locations)
MOMMade of Money
MOMMilk of Magnesia
MOMMetal-On-Metal (arthroplasty, hip resurfacing)
MOMMinutes Of Meeting
MOMMinions of Mirth (Mmorpg computer game)
MOMMinister of Music
MOMMethods of Mayhem
MOMMinistry of Magic (Harry Potter)
MOMMouse on Mars (website)
MOMModern Office Methods (Dayton, OH)
MOMMaster of Magic (computer game)
MOMMy Organic Market (Rockville, MD)
MOMMotherboard Operation Monitor
MOMMicrosoft Office Manager
MOMMessaging Oriented Middleware
MOMMessage Oriented Mobility
MOMMobile Workforce Management
MOMMethod of Moments
MOMMicrosoft Operations Manager
MOMManufacturing Operations Management
MOMMachine Ordered Miniserver
MOMMinistry of Mayhem (iTV Saturday morning kids TV show)
MOMMonth on Month
MOMMoment of Madness (band)
MOMMean Old Man
MOMMen on A Mission
MOMMember of Management
MOMManager Of Managers
MOMMother of Many (education program)
MOMMilitary Ordinary Mail (US DoD)
MOMMobile Operations Manager (software)
MOMMechanics of Materials
MOMMethod Of Moment (4 mallet marimba method)
MOMMan On the Move
MOMMember of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces (Canada)
MOMMail Order Marijuana
MOMMicrosoft Office Manager (Microsoft Office 98 - Macintosh Edition)
MOMMultiples of the Median
MOMMilitary Outreach Ministry
MOMMilitia Of Montana
MOMModular Ocean Model
MOMMini Optical Mouse (various companies)
MOMMask of Madness (gaming)
MOMMixed Orientation Marriage (straight person married to a gay person)
MOMMeasures Of Merit
MOMMothers on the Move (New York)
MOMMean Old Mom
MOMMiddle of Month
MOMMonmouth-Ocean-Middlesex (proposed New Jersey rail line)
MOMMaster of Mathematics
MOMMust Obey Me
MOMMan-Overboard Module (navigation/GPS)
MOMMission Operations Manager (NASA)
MOMMetal Oxide Metal
MOMMedical Opportunities in Michigan
MOMMinistry of Oil and Minerals (Yemen)
MOMMotion Odyssey Movie (Jordan's Furniture store ride)
MOMMany On Many
MOMMaker of Me
MOMMachines of Madness
MOMMacs of Marin
MOMMost Outstanding Mother
MOMMaintenance Operations Management
MOMMotorcycle Owner's Manual
MOMMethod, Opportunity, Motive (cybersecurity)
MOMMeg O'Malley's (Melbourne, FL pub)
MOMMobile Operational Management (computing)
MOMMilitary Official Mail
MOMMise En Ordre de Marche (Informatique)
MOMMajor of Marines
MOMManufacturing Operations Manager
MOMMusic for Our Mother earth (song)
MOMMade of Miracles
MOMMissouri Meerschaum Company (maker of corncob pipes)
MOMMelody of Melancholy (online manga)
MOMMobile Originated Message
MOMMars Observer Mission
MOMMulti-Objective Model
MOMManaged Object Manager
MOMMind Over Matter, Inc.
MOMMinobschmash (Ministry of General Machine Building, USSR)
MOMMission Omega Matrix (The Famous Jett Jackson TV show)
MOMMarine Operations Manual (International IMO Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit)
MOMMainframe Order Management (Sprint)
MOMModulation Output Mode (Agilent)
MOMMissiles of Magic (gaming)
MOMMission Operations Meeting
MOMMobile Operations Module (X-34 Vehicle)
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Dr Jochen Hahne responsible for Innovation, Marketing, Human Resources, Information Systems, Finance and Public Relations and Horst Knigge, Technical Director, will be joined by a new member of management, Thorsten Pree, responsible for Worldwide Sales.
Nurse Mandy Robinson said: "One member of management tried to imply the alleg-ations were a fantasy."
After all, how does a member of management or an insurance company internal auditor keep a person from justifying his or her own actions?
These goals provide the intermediary with a powerful lever in the negotiations; every member of management and the professional staff must acknowledge a commitment to them, lest he or she be accused of irrationality or bad faith.
NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT-February 10, 2017-Vaisala appoints Katriina Vainio as member of management group
Aftab Iqbal, Deputy Controller (Home), Women Representative, Asghar Mahmood, Deputy Controller (Legal), member of Management, Ms.
It was spotted by a senior member of management, who made a formal complaint.
Jim, although a member of management, does not have the requisite knowledge of the business' accounting practices and would be considered a third party.
If you are a member of management, sometimes referred to by advocates of buyouts as "entrenched" management, and you have no opportunity to participate in the takeover transaction, not only is the takeover of your company deleterious but all takeovers are.
Recently, Dr Zhang has worked as a faculty member of management at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) from 2008 to 2012.
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