(redirected from Medical Care Commodity)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
MCC | Mesa Community College |
MCC | Manchester Community College |
MCC | Metropolitan Community Church (UFMCC) |
MCC | Metropolitan Community College |
MCC | Mesa Community College (Mesa, AZ, USA) |
MCC | Metropolitan Community Churches |
MCC | Monroe Community College (Rochester, NY, USA) |
MCC | Mennonite Central Committee |
MCC | Mission Control Center |
MCC | Mortgage Credit Certificate |
MCC | Middlesex Community College (Massachusetts) |
MCC | Massachusetts Cultural Council |
MCC | Muskegon Community College (Muskegon, Michigan) |
MCC | Millennium Challenge Corporation (development, international aid) |
MCC | Mobile Country Code (telecommunications) |
MCC | Marylebone Cricket Club (governing body of English cricket) |
MCC | Mott Community College (Flint, Michigan) |
MCC | Master Chief Collection (gaming) |
MCC | Multicultural Center |
MCC | Mount Carmel College (various locations) |
MCC | Motor Control Center |
MCC | McLennan Community College (Waco, TX) |
MCC | Melbourne Cricket Club |
MCC | Maui Community College |
MCC | Measurement Computing Corporation (Norton, MA) |
MCC | Master Certified Coach (International Coach Federation) |
MCC | McClellan Airfield (Sacramento, CA) |
MCC | Maricopa Community Colleges (Maricopa County, AZ, USA) |
MCC | Merkel Cell Carcinoma |
MCC | Meridian Community College |
MCC | Media, Culture and Communication (various schools) |
MCC | Merchant Category Code (credit card industry) |
MCC | Micro Compact Car (Mercedes-Swatch) |
MCC | Midwest Collegiate Conference |
MCC | Medical Council of Canada |
MCC | Madisonville Community College (Kentucky) |
MCC | Moffitt Cancer Center (Tampa, FL) |
MCC | Mission Control Centre |
MCC | Multiple Chronic Conditions |
MCC | Minecraft Central (gaming) |
MCC | Midwest Cage Championship (mixed martial artists) |
MCC | Microcrystalline Cellulose |
MCC | Massachusetts Catholic Conference (Boston, MA) |
MCC | Macomb Community College (Michigan) |
MCC | Mobile Command Center |
MCC | Mobile Commerce and Charging |
MCC | Merchant Category Code |
MCC | Microelectronics and Computer Corporation |
MCC | Media Cross Connect |
MCC | Mercedes Chrysler Corporation |
MCC | Manual Camera Control |
MCC | Multimedia Content Creation |
MCC | Management Command Center |
MCC | Multi Component Circuits |
MCC | Magnetic Chip Carrier |
MCC | Modular Computing Core |
MCC | Mit Computer Connection |
MCC | Media Computer Center |
MCC | Memory Cache Controller |
MCC | Mathcad Configuration File |
MCC | Micro Compact Car |
MCC | Mac Common Convergence |
MCC | Mobile Country Code |
MCC | Media Compatibility Chart |
MCC | Media Center Communicator |
MCC | Metropolitan Correctional Center (Manhattan, NY, USA) |
MCC | Minneapolis Convention Center |
MCC | Muslim Community Center |
MCC | Mohave Community College (Arizona) |
MCC | Mondragon Corporacion Cooperativa (Spain) |
MCC | Madras Cricket Club (India) |
MCC | Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation |
MCC | Mpower Communications Corp. |
MCC | Modernised Customs Code (EU) |
MCC | Mid-Central College Conference (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics) |
MCC | Montgomery County Commissioners (North Carolina) |
MCC | Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (French: Ministry of Culture and Communication) |
MCC | My Client Center (Google AdWords) |
MCC | Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh (India) |
MCC | Most Common Cause |
MCC | Minimum Creditable Coverage |
MCC | Manatee Community College (Bradenton, Florida) |
MCC | Madison Chamber of Commerce (various locations) |
MCC | Montgomery County Campus (Johns Hopkins University; Maryland) |
MCC | Manchester Computing Centre (UK) |
MCC | Missouri Catholic Conference (Jefferson City, MO) |
MCC | Micro Commercial Components |
MCC | Multi-Crew Cooperation (aviation) |
MCC | Multi-Character Control (gaming) |
MCC | Marina Civic Center (Florida) |
MCC | Mennonite Church Canada |
MCC | Ernest N. Morial Convention Center (New Orleans, LA) |
MCC | Manhattan Christian College (Manhattan, Kansas, USA) |
MCC | Marian Central Catholic (Woodstock, IL) |
MCC | Materials Characterization Center |
MCC | Minutes of the Common Council (New York) |
MCC | Metropolitan Corporate Counsel (Mountainside, NJ) |
MCC | Memorial Congregational Church (Massachusetts) |
MCC | Massasoit Community College (Brockton, Massachusetts) |
MCC | Michigan Campus Compact |
MCC | Maitland City Council (Australia) |
MCC | Mesoscale Convective Complex (meteorology) |
MCC | Muslim Canadian Congress |
MCC | Madras Christian College (Chennai, India) |
MCC | Melbourne Convention Centre |
MCC | Materials Computation Center |
MCC | Managed Care Company (various organizations) |
MCC | Major Credit Card |
MCC | Municipal Code Corporation |
MCC | Multiversion Concurrency Control (computer science) |
MCC | Mass Career Customization |
MCC | Music Centre Canada (music equipment) |
MCC | 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA Carboxylase |
MCC | Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec (French) |
MCC | Michigan Cancer Consortium |
MCC | Metropolitan Crime Commission (various locations) |
MCC | Master Control Center |
MCC | Metro Convention Center (various locations) |
MCC | Mucociliary Clearance |
MCC | Minimum Competency Code (various companies) |
MCC | Maronite Catholic Church (Eastern Catholicism) |
MCC | Master Cruise Counselor |
MCC | Maryland Charity Campaign (Baltimore, MD) |
MCC | Maryland Casualty Company (insurance) |
MCC | Multicultural Council (various locations) |
MCC | Movement Control Center |
MCC | Monterey Conference Center (Monterey, CA) |
MCC | Mississauga Convention Centre (Canada) |
MCC | Maintenance Control Center (FAA) |
MCC | Marshfield Country Club (Marshfield, WI) |
MCC | Maryland Catholic Conference |
MCC | Mercantile Capital Corporation (Altamonte Springs, FL) |
MCC | Medical Cost Containment (workers' compensation) |
MCC | Major Contributing Cause (legal work standard) |
MCC | Maoist Communist Center |
MCC | Maritime Component Commander |
MCC | Massachusetts Council of Churches (Boston, MA) |
MCC | Marian Court College (Swampscott, MA) |
MCC | Mid-Course Correction |
MCC | Managed Care Contractor (various locations) |
MCC | Mercy Community Care (various locations) |
MCC | My Calorie Counter (diet journal) |
MCC | Maryland Chamber of Commerce |
MCC | Marlborough Country Club (Marlborough, MA) |
MCC | Mission Crew Commander |
MCC | Microclimate Cooling |
MCC | Medicines Control Council of South-Africa |
MCC | Main Combustion Chamber |
MCC | Murray County Central (Minnesota) |
MCC | Montgomery County Council (Maryland) |
MCC | Main Control Center |
MCC | Massachusetts Citizens for Children |
MCC | Major Complications and Comorbid Conditions (medical coding) |
MCC | Marketing Communications Committee (various organizations) |
MCC | Media Cross-Connect (MRV Communications) |
MCC | Meningococcal C Conjugate (vaccines) |
MCC | Martinsburg Computing Center |
MCC | Mitchellville Christian Church (Mitchellville, IA) |
MCC | Modular Computing Core (Antelope Technologies) |
MCC | Monte Carlo Collision (direct particle simulation) |
MCC | Midcourse Correction |
MCC | Multi-Carrier Cabinet (telecommunications equipment) |
MCC | Multi-Column Continuous Chromatography |
MCC | Maladies Chroniques au Canada (journal) |
MCC | Microelectronics & Computer Technology Corporation |
MCC | Mobile Computer Core (Antelope) |
MCC | Multicultural Counseling Competencies (social sciences book) |
MCC | Makiki Christian Church (Honolulu, HI) |
MCC | Mobile Convergence Client (DiVitas Networks) |
MCC | Maine Council of Churches |
MCC | Mathematics Curriculum Center (various schools) |
MCC | Master Control Console |
MCC | Marin Computer Center (est. 1977; California) |
MCC | Maximum Continuous Current (compressors in air conditioning systems) |
MCC | Marconi Contest Club (Italy) |
MCC | Microelectronics and Computer Technology Consortium |
MCC | Microelectronics & Computer Corporation |
MCC | Monocacy Canoe Club |
MCC | Maryland Community Colleges |
MCC | Military Cooperation Committee (Canadian Forces) |
MCC | Manchester Code Converter |
MCC | Mechanical Completion Certificate (professional certification) |
MCC | Maine Campus Compact (Lewiston, ME) |
MCC | Mainzer Carneval Club (Mainz, Germany) |
MCC | Missile Control Center |
MCC | Material Control Code/Coordinator |
MCC | Medical Control Center |
MCC | McCaw Cellular Communications |
MCC | Moraga Country Club (California) |
MCC | Matsoku Civil Contractors |
MCC | Media Control Center |
MCC | Mobility Control Center |
MCC | Miles Consulting Corp. (various locations) |
MCC | Motor Control Cabinet |
MCC | Mitteldeutsches Communication Center |
MCC | Macao Cultural Centre (Macao, China) |
MCC | Mini Cooper Club (automobile club; various locations) |
MCC | Meteor Communications Corporation |
MCC | Mobile Communication Center |
MCC | Multiple Cropping Center (Thailand) |
MCC | Missile Combat Crew |
MCC | Maintenance Control Circuit |
MCC | Mobile Calibration Complex |
MCC | Midwest Computer Conference |
MCC | Maui Croquet Club (Hawaii) |
MCC | Mayfair Conference Centre (UK) |
MCC | Medical Care Coverage (insurance) |
MCC | McCarthy Panendoscope (medical instrument) |
MCC | Minimum Circumscribed Circle |
MCC | Mission Control Computer |
MCC | Minimal-Connected Component |
MCC | Maihama Corporation Co (Japan) |
MCC | Microelectronics Computer Corporation (Austin, Texas) |
MCC | Marshall County Central (High School, Newfolden, MN) |
MCC | Multipoint Command Conference |
MCC | Multicultural Career Conference |
MCC | Military Coordinating Committee |
MCC | Multiple Correlation Clustering (banking) |
MCC | Mortgage Centre Canada |
MCC | Main Control Computer |
MCC | Modem Control Channel |
MCC | Manchester Cricket Club (UK) |
MCC | Microsoft Competence Center |
MCC | Member Conduct Committee (IEEE) |
MCC | Malgudi Cricket Club |
MCC | Monster Cars Club (France) |
MCC | Midlands Christian College (Gweru, Zimbabwe) |
MCC | Military Control Center |
MCC | Map Coordination Contractor (FEMA) |
MCC | Multiculturalism in the Classroom (various schools) |
MCC | Media and Communications Conference (Morgan Stanley) |
MCC | Main Communication Center |
MCC | Machinery Control Console |
MCC | Ministerul Culturii ºi Cultelor |
MCC | Medical Center Council |
MCC | Midcom Communications |
MCC | Movements Control Center |
MCC | Mission Critical Customer |
MCC | Memorial College Center |
MCC | Makonin Consulting Corp |
MCC | Median Cascaded Canceller |
MCC | Maximum Contaminant Concentration |
MCC | H. Lee Moffett Cancer Center (Tampa, FL) |
MCC | Materiel Category Code |
MCC | Management Conference Center (NASA) |
MCC | Mornington Crescent Club |
MCC | Mission Criticality Code |
MCC | Manned Control Car |
MCC | Modularity Coordination Cell (US Army) |
MCC | Management Consulting Centre (Canada) |
MCC | Motor Cycle Crash (trauma injury) |
MCC | Majoration pour Conjoint à Charge (French: Increase for a Dependent Spouse; pension plan) |
MCC | Memory Control Chip |
MCC | Mutual Coupling Compensation |
MCC | Mission Clinical Coordinator (USAF-Aeromedical Evacuation) |
MCC | Microelectronics and Computer Technology Center (Austin, TX) |
MCC | Microprocessor Common Control |
MCC | Market Conditions Committee (UK) |
MCC | Magnetic Compact Cassette |
MCC | Monitoring Command Code (USMC reporting unit code) |
MCC | Maximum Construction Cost |
MCC | Mint Chocolate Chips |
MCC | MVCS Control Cabinet |
MCC | Mobile Command Concept |
MCC | Medical Care Commodity (Consumer Price Index; US DOL) |
MCC | Medical Crew Coordinator |
MCC | My Community Connection (Oklahoma) |
MCC | Medical Call Centre |
MCC | Marine Command Code (USMC) |
MCC | Metalcasting Congress |
MCC | Measurement Control Center |
MCC | Maintenance Constant Current |
MCC | Maintenance Connector Controller |
MCC | Military Communications Company |
MCC | Michigan Cardiovascular Clinic (Saginaw, Michigan) |
MCC | Maneuver Control Command |
MCC | Monitor Control Console |
MCC | Maintenance/Missile Control Center |
MCC | Maintenance Class Code |
MCC | MMP Control Computer |
MCC | MEDCOM Contracting Center (US Army) |
MCC | Mill Control Computer (industry, metals, hot/cold rolling process control) |
MCC | Myott Collectors Club |
MCC | Mojave Cogeneration Company, LP (Boron, CA) |
MCC | Maneuver Control Center |
MCC | Mississippi Cellular Corp |
MCC | Muskegon Chemical Council (Muskegon, Michigan) |
MCC | Moderation by Causal Cycle (Curve) |
MCC | Mobius Cash Card |
MCC | Master Copy Catalog |
MCC | Maintenance Criticality Code |
MCC | Major Category Code |
MCC | Multi-Media Chunk Counter |
MCC | MAAC (Maximizing Access to Advance Our Communities) Community Charter (California) |
MCC | Microwave Chip Carrier |
MCC | Message Control Character |
MCC | Minimum Circuit Cover |
MCC | US Mission Control Complex |
MCC | Mobile Communications Component |
MCC | Mean Value of Class Complexity |
MCC | Maintenance of Close Contract |
MCC | Mito Church of Christ (Japan) |
MCC | Message Coding & Compression |
MCC | Model Club Chavanoz (French model vehicle club; Chavanoz, France) |
MCC | Magna Computer Corp |
MCC | Memphis Cricket Club (Memphis, TN) |
MCC | Multilevel Co-set Code |
MCC | Manage Corporate Communication |
MCC | Moeco Cambodia Co. (offshore drilling company) |
MCC | Magnetometer Calibration Coil |
MCC | Metro Christian Center (various locations) |
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