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MDFMedium Density Fiberboard
MDFMain Distribution Frame
MDFmyocardial depressant factor
MDFMedium Density Fiber
MDFMain Distribution(al) Facility
MDFMalawi Defence Force (est. 1964)
MDFMagyar Demokrata Fórum (Hungarian Democratic Forum)
MDFMaryland Deathfest (music festival)
MDFMovimento per la Decrescita Felice (est. 2000)
MDFMessage Development Framework
MDFMultiple Device File
MDFMedia Data Format
MDFMinistere des Finances (French: Ministry of Finance)
MDFMyotonic Dystrophy Foundation (est. 2007)
MDFMule Deer Foundation
MDFMuscular Dystrophy Foundation (various locations)
MDFManic Depression Fellowship (UK)
MDFMarketing Development Funds
MDFMoist Deciduous Forest (ecological region)
MDFMaster Data File
MDFMaestría en Dirección Financiera (Spanish: Master in Financial Management)
MDFMy Dear Friend
MDFMacular Degeneration Foundation
MDFMulti-Density Fiberboard (construction)
MDFMagic Defense (video gaming)
MDFMission Data File
MDFMade the Cut, Did Not Finish (PGA golf tournament)
MDFMild Detonating Fuse
MDFMicro Data Format
MDFMedical, Dental and Funeral
MDFMobile Device Format
MDFMineral Development Fund (Namibia)
MDFManipulator Development Facility
MDFMonitor Definition File
MDFMontana Discovery Foundation (est. 1999)
MDFMultimedia Description Framework
MDFMerseyside Disability Federation (UK)
MDFMeta Data Framework
MDFMicrophone Data File
MDFMeta Data Processing Framework
MDFMultiplicative Decrease Factor
MDFMain Defense Forces (NATO)
MDFMux Data Frame
MDFMultisensor Data Fusion
MDFMercados de Futuros (Guatemala)
MDFMinimum Detectable Flux
MDFMirror Description Format
MDFMethanol Dehydrogenase
MDFMain Data Feed
MDFMammalian Development Facility
MDFMonopulse Direction Finding
MDFMain Distribution Frequency
MDFManual Dial Facility
MDFMorte Di Fame (Italian: Dying of Hunger)
MDFMason Dixon Farms, Inc. (Gettysburg, Pennsylvania)
MDFMaterial Discrepancy Form
MDFMaritime Defense Force
MDFMateriel Distribution Forecasting
MDFMultiband Direction Finder
MDFMendelsohn Difference Family
MDFMission Data Folders
MDFMain Debris Field
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References in periodicals archive ?
Global Monitoring visualizes data collected from various manufacturing centers using the global master data file provided by Global Master.
The AMC NSN Search (myNSN) offers some info found on the Army Master Data File, but it also offers item manager info, analyst codes, back order info, DODACC queries and more.
The EIC/WEIC must be a reportable item in the Maintenance Master Data File (MMDF).
The Army Master Data File management view contains more information than perhaps any other data view.
Query results will display the Army Master Data File (AMDF).
The item name for guidon cases is "Case, Flag?' The Army Master Data File lists the "case flag ctn guidon" as NSN 8345-00-178-8494.
The item's Army Master Data File will display the NSN, the current unit price, item name and nomenclature, and other info.
It appears the Army Master Data File (AMDF) is being used to identify the Source of Supply to address SDR.
The Validator, making its second appearance on the list, ensures system set-up and master data files are properly deployed in Dynamics GP, resulting in the highest level of data integrity, reduced business risk and system optimization for every Dynamics GP user.
Interstage Big Data Complex Event Processing Server is a complex event processing software platform that uses Fujitsu's proprietary high-speed filter technology to automatically scope large volumes of events and compare them with the system's master data files, thereby making it possible to quickly identify important events.
It is comprised of three product lines: Global Master, integrating company-wide local identification data lists into master data files; Global Monitoring, to facilitate decision-making through visualisation and alarm alert information; and Global PSI, which monitors gaps in projected demand compared with actual demand on a monthly basis and adjusts supply according to demand.
The product ensures system set-up and master data files are properly deployed in Dynamics GP, resulting in the highest level of data integrity, reduced business risk and system optimization for every Dynamics GP user.