MBOTMississauga Board of Trade (Ontario, Canada)
MBOTMissouri Board of Occupational Therapy (Jefferson City, MO)
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"MBot is a prototype robot that can remove floating wastes from surface water.
students learned how to assemble and program mBots, which are educational robot kits designed for kids who are just starting to learn about robot software.
Although the methods proposed in this paper have been programmed to be generic, running in any ROS-based system, in our case both the Projection Surfaces Detector and the Keystoning module were integrated in the Mbot, following the scheme shown in Figure 16.
Report 1927, fonds MBOT, roll M-2807, 4 M 000 00-03-720B-01, Montreal Board of Trade-Rapports annuels du Conseil: 1923; 1924 a 1927; 1928 a 1931, BAnQ-Quebec.
La configuracion del webcrawler, en este caso el Mbot ha permitido acercarnos a toda la problematica existente en las paginas gubernamentales que se requiere resolver para facilitar y agilizar el acceso a la informacion presentada.
This is mBot's second global recognition after its Finland Kokoa Certification in 2018.
The program allows to do the following: position, scale and rotate the part, and to convert it into printing instructions (called GCode) and printed in a machine MBot Grid II 3D.
Para el presente analisis--una vez que se ha definido y delimitado el alcance de la informacion ambiental a partir de la normativa nacional e internacional comentada en el articulo anterior y conociendo la complejidad de la gestion de este tipo de informacion--, se ha requerido la utilizacion de la herramienta webcrawler Mbot (Blazquez Ochando, 2013a).
En tercer lugar, se ha realizado un estudio de campo en el que se ha procedido a una caracterizacion de los sitios Web de la Administracion Central del Estado, relativos a la tematica de estudio que nos ocupa, mediante la utilizacion del programa de analisis webcrawler Mbot (Blazquez Ochando, 2013a-b), que permite determinar algunas fortalezas y debilidades de la informacion disponible en dichas paginas Web.
(NASDAQ: MBOT) under which Microbot became a wholly-owned subsidiary of StemCells, Inc., the company said.