(redirected from Loosely Coupled Event)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
LCE | Low Carbon Energy |
LCE | London Camera Exchange (UK) |
LCE | Low Carbohydrate Eating (nutrition) |
LCE | Life Cycle Engineering |
LCE | Laughing Crying Emoji |
LCE | Local Chief Executive (various locations) |
LCE | Loosely Coupled Event |
LCE | Linux Certified Engineer |
LCE | Log Correlation Engine (software) |
LCE | Liquid Crystalline Elastomer |
LCE | Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent |
LCE | Lithium Carbonate Equivalent |
LCE | London Commodity Exchange |
LCE | Limited Collector's Edition |
LCE | Load-Carrying Equipment |
LCE | Legal Counsel for the Elderly (Washington, DC) |
LCE | Logistics Combat Element (US Marine Corps) |
LCE | Launch Complex Equipment (Voyager Science Instrument) |
LCE | Linux Certified Engineer (Level II Sair Linux and GNU certification) |
LCE | La Ceiba, Honduras - International (Airport Code) |
LCE | Life Changing Event (insurance) |
LCE | Loss Cost Estimate (insurance claims) |
LCE | La Canada Elementary (California) |
LCE | Lower Certificate of Education (Malaysia) |
LCE | Linear Cable Engine (cable handling) |
LCE | Loop Current Eddy |
LCE | Lettres et Civilisations Étrangères (French: Foreign Literature and Civilization) |
LCE | Laser Civil Engineering (est. 1979; UK) |
LCE | Laboratory for Communication Engineering (University of Cambridge, UK) |
LCE | Longest Common Extension |
LCE | Life Cycle Enabling |
LCE | Logistics Capability Estimator |
LCE | Line Concentrating Equipment |
LCE | L-Band Clutter Experiment |
LCE | Liaison Coordination Element |
LCE | Laser Communications Equipment |
LCE | London College of Excellence (UK) |
LCE | Lempel-Cohn-Eastman (sequence) |
LCE | Launch Countdown Exercise |
LCE | Large Cryogenic Engine |
LCE | Liquid-Cooled Engine |
LCE | Loss Control Engineering (business unit) |
LCE | Lake Country Elementary (Lake Placid, FL) |
LCE | Launcher Control Equipment |
LCE | Local Communications Environment |
LCE | Large Complex Enterprise |
LCE | Lake Country Elite (Hartland, WI) |
LCE | Loblaw Companies East (Brampton, Ontario, Canada) |
LCE | Lead Commissioning Engineer |
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